Category:White Magic
A category of spells natively available to White Mages, Red Mages, Scholars and Paladins.
The majority of White Magic is used to heal and enhance others. The rest is focused on using divine energies to thwart your enemies. |
This article uses material from the "Category:White_Magic" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "White Magic"
The following 193 pages are in this category, out of 193 total.
- Banish
- Banish II
- Banish III
- Banish IV
- Banishga
- Banishga II
- Banishga III
- Baraera
- Baraero
- Baramnesia
- Baramnesra
- Barblind
- Barblindra
- Barblizzara
- Barblizzard
- Barfira
- Barfire
- Barparalyze
- Barparalyzra
- Barpetra
- Barpetrify
- Barpoison
- Barpoisonra
- Barsilence
- Barsilencera
- Barsleep
- Barsleepra
- Barstone
- Barstonra
- Barthunder
- Barthundra
- Barvira
- Barvirus
- Barwater
- Barwatera
- Blindna
- Blink
- Boost-AGI
- Boost-CHR
- Boost-DEX
- Boost-INT
- Boost-MND
- Boost-STR
- Boost-VIT