Banish II

Banish II

Deals Light elemental damage to an enemy.


Spell cost: 57
Spell element: Light
Magic skill: Divine


Casting Time: 2.5 seconds
Recast Time: 21 seconds

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: ~1,537 gil


  • Casting Banish II while Afflatus Misery is activated grants a potency bonus to the spell based on the most recent damage you have sustained. The record of damage taken is reset upon use.

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > White Magic ( )


Price: 8,100 - 9,360 gil
Name Location Type
Quelpia Selbina (H-9) Standard Merchant
Shohrun-Tuhrun Windurst Waters (G-7)(South Map) Standard Merchant

Other Information[edit]

Lowers special defense (damage resistance) of Skeletons and Ghosts by 70% for 30 seconds.
Spell damage vs undead is multiplied by 1.5 (150% damage)
v  d  e
Magic of Vana'diel: Divine Magic

Banish IIIIIIIV Banishga IIIIII Enlight III Flash HolyII Repose

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning
This article uses material from the "Banish_II" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.