Category:Records of Eminence
Records of Eminence are a set of self-imposed challenges with similar rewards, designed to passively reward adventurers as they carry about their adventuring goals.
From the Quests menu, you may select up to 30 objectives at any given time to complete (in addition to a single limited-time objective, which is always active and does not count toward the 30 objective limit), which you may change at any time based on your play style and goals for that day. These objectives are the primary source of Sparks of Eminence, a currency that can be exchanged for a wide variety of items and equipment for both new players and veterans alike.
The objectives range from defeating enemies to performing specific feats to gathering certain items, with some requiring only a single success and others that take a bit longer. Completing an objective rewards you with not only Experience Points and Sparks of Eminence, but also occasionally Capacity Points and Unity Accolades, as well as a special item for first-time completion of certain objectives. Clearing limited-time challenges awards you with a Copper A.M.A.N. Voucher, which can be exchanged for other forms of currency and items used in reforging Relic Weapons, Mythic Weapons, and Empyrean Weapons.
- To begin, open the Quest menu > Records of Eminence > Tutorial > Basics, and choose to activate First Step Forward.
- Then, talk to one of the A.M.A.N. NPCs listed:
- Rolandienne in Southern San d'Oria (G-10)
- Isakoth in Bastok Markets (E-11)
- Fhelm Jobeizat in Windurst Woods (J-10)
- Eternal Flame in Western Adoulin (H-11)
- After completing the initial objective, other objectives become available. Some objectives are only available after completing others.
Types of Objectives[edit]
There are as of 10/18/2015, 953+ total objectives spread across 11 categories (not including limited time objectives). Refer to the following pages for the objectives in each category. Note that first-time completion of any objective rewards 3 times the amount of sparks listed for an objective, even if the objective is repeatable.
- Tutorial
- Combat (Wide Area)
- Combat (Region)
- Fishing (RoE)
- Harvesting (RoE)
- Content
- Unity Concord
- Achievements (RoE)
- Other
- Limited-time Challenges
- Vana'versary
The following quests are tied to Records of Eminence objectives. Each one requires a specific number of unique objectives completed in order to activate. Only objectives that are always available are counted towards this number, and excludes Unity, limited-time, and daily challenges. Most require talking to Nantoto in Lower Jeuno for start and completion.
- Records of Eminence (Quest)
- Teleports by Twilight
- Shifty Shades of Prey
- Petals of Recollection
- To Kill Mocking Birds
- Golden Rule (Note: This one IS repeatable)
- Panta Rhei
- Leonine Excruciation
- Shiver Me Timbers
- Go With the Flow
You can trade Sparks of Eminence to certain NPCs for various items, including weapons that can be used for leveling up, Item Level 117 equipment, items that boost combat and magic skills, items that can be used to reforge artifact equipment, and more.
Spark Exchange[edit]
- See Sparks of Eminence for a list of items, weapons, and armor available for purchase.
First Completion[edit]
- Boulder Case / Boulder Box
- Beitetsu Parcel / Beitetsu Box
- Pluton Box
- Copper Voucher
- Trailblazing Pickaxe x12, Trailblazing Sickle x12, and Trailblazing Axe x12
- Pickaxe x12, Sickle x12, and Hatchet x12
- Various low- and mid-level armor
Exchange Copper Voucher[edit]
Exchanges are separated into 2 areas: Currencies and Provisions.
- Currencies - One Copper Voucher can be exchanged for 1,000 of one of the following:
- Sparks of Eminence (max: 99,999)
- Conquest Points
- Imperial Standing
- Allied Notes
- Bayld
- Valor Points (Tabs from the Fields of Valor / Grounds of Valor systems, max: 50,000)
- Assault Points (for an area of your choice)
- Cruor
- Kinetic Units (max: 50,000)
- Obsidian Fragments (max: 99,999)
- Mweya Plasm
- Ballista Points (max: 2,000)
- Unity Accolades (max: 99,999)
- Escha Silt (max: 1,000,000 with the Eschan Urn and Eschan Cellar key items)
- Resistance Credits
- Provisions - Two Copper Vouchers can be exchanged for one of the following:
- The Records of Eminence NPCs will store any Copper Vouchers traded to them, and may be spent at any NPC.
- Take note of the maximum limits of each currency that you may hold (if applicable), as the game does not prevent you from making exchanges that result in more currency that you can hold.
- Each exchange can be performed in quantities of one, three, ten, or thirty.
Tutorial • Combat (Wide Area) • Combat (Region) • Fishing (RoE) • Harvesting (RoE) • Content • Achievements (RoE) • Unity • Vana'versary • Other • Limited-time Challenges
Records of Eminence (Quest) • Teleports by Twilight • Shifty Shades of Prey •
Petals of Recollection • To Kill Mocking Birds
Eternal Flame • Fhelm Jobeizat • Isakoth • Rolandienne
Sparks of Eminence • Copper Voucher
Pages in category "Records of Eminence"
The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total.