(Redirected from Monstrosity)Monstrosity is content where adventurers can unleash their souls upon the various monsters that roam Vana'diel and take control of their mental faculties, thus becoming a monster themselves. Monsters can also engage in Belligerency against adventurers to transcend their limits and accrue greater infamy.
- Players must complete Monstrosity (Quest) to obtain
Ring of supernal disjunction.
- The quest is offered by the Suspicious Hume in the Pashhow Marshlands (E-12).
Visiting the Feretory[edit]
- After obtaining a
Ring of supernal disjunction, examine the Odyssean Passage in one of the following areas to be transported to the Feretory, a liminal space where adventurers prepare themselves for their monstrous rampages.
- Northern San d'Oria (L-8), Port Windurst (M-4), Port Bastok (K-12), or Pashhow Marshlands (E-12)
- All status enhancements wear off upon taking an odyssean passage to the Feretory.
Monstrous Preparations[edit]
Once inside the Feretory, the Equipment menu is replaced by "Customization." This new menu allows players to adjust various aspects of their bestial vessel, such as its species, abilities, and name.
Species Selection[edit]
- There are several species to choose at the start, and others may be unlocked by leveling up, exchanging infamy, and trading certain requisite items.
- The initial species are Lizard (MON), Mandragora (MON), and Rabbit (MON).
- Possessing a monster of a different family resets the number of experience points needed for your next level, but a window will appear asking you to confirm whether or not to proceed.
- Experience points will not reset if switching to a different monster from the same family.
- Other methods of obtaining new species besides leveling up will be discussed later.
- As of February 18, 2014, players may possess the following families of monsters:
- Aquans / Vermin / Birds / Beasts / Plantoids / Lizards / Other (Currently includes only Slimes (Dragon Quest) and Spriggans (FFXIV).)
Monster Faculties[edit]
Though monsters may not use equipment, they do possess innate knowledge termed "instincts," which function in the same manner. They can be learned by leveling up or exchanging Infamy.
- Instincts learned by leveling up differ from monster to monster.
- Once an instinct has been learned, it may be used with any monster the player possesses.
- Infamy exchange will be discussed later.
Instinct Costs[edit]
Instincts cost a certain number of Faculty Points to equip, and the amount each costs differs depending on their attributes. Furthermore, each monster has its own instinct cost limit, which cannot be exceeded. The higher the monster's level and rank, however, the higher the cost limit is.
One's rank will rise as follows, in accordance with the amount of infamy he possesses. Infamy Rank 0 - 10,000: Mon 10,001 - 20,000: NM 20,000+: HNM
- Slaying monsters yields players an amount of Infamy equivalent to a tenth of the experience they obtain.
- Outside of Belligerency, infamy is capped at 10,000.
- During Belligerency, infamy past 10,000 can be earned, up to a cap is 50,000.
- If you leave Belligerency with over 10,000 infamy, your infamy simply freezes and does not increase unless you reenter Belligerency or you spend enough infamy to be under the 10,000 cap. You do not lose any infamy by leaving Belligerency.
Maximum Levels[edit]
- The maximum level for monsters is 99.
- The maximum level is also dependent upon the limit break quests a player has completed.
Players may select up to two descriptors to modify the species name of the monster they possess.
Area Selection[edit]
Journeying into the Field[edit]
After finishing their preparations in the Feretory, players can examine the Odyssean Passage there and select "Stalk prey as a monipulator," which displays a list of possible areas into which they can foray.
- Areas the player has yet to visit are not displayed.
- Selections also depend on the size of the monster possessed.
- Monster sizes are categorized by the color of the icon border that displays during species selection.
Field Areas[edit]
Each field area has a recommended level that displays on the selection menu.
- It is possible to enter areas in which the recommended level is higher than the monipulator's.
- Recommended levels correspond to the lowest level of monster in the area, and there may be fiends who are much stronger than the recommended level indicates.
Field Areas to Prowl[edit]
The location at which monipulators spawn after either leaving the Feretory or retrying is randomly determined.
See also: Arkitanx's Monstrosity Level Guide
See also: Tiffeny's Monstrosity Guide
When monipulators first enter the field or retry in the same area after being defeated in combat, they experience "gestation," which bestows the following effects. In addition, monipulators are advised to flee to a safe spot during gestation periods.
- Undetectable by enemies
- Invisible
- Sprint
- Inability to attack
Other Methods for Unlocking Species[edit]
Unlocking Via Infamy Exchange[edit]
Speak with Teyrnon in the Feretory to exchange infamy for new instincts and monster species.
For any jobs that you have completed the Shattering Stars battle (or equivalent quest), the corresponding Instinct is discounted 50%.
Certain species and instincts must be unlocked by fulfilling requirements, and will be listed only after those requirements are met.
Unlocking Via Trading Items[edit]
Certain monipulators may only be unlocked by trading specific items to the NPC Suibhne in the Feretory after fulfilling the requisite conditions.
Requisite Items: Suibhne will tell players what items they must procure after they have fulfilled certain conditions, so make sure to speak with him periodically.
- You must be in the default form of the species which they are trying to unlock.
- For example, unlocking Legendary Adamantoise (MON) requires you to be in Adamantoise (MON) form, not Pygmy Adamantoise (MON) form.
- This condition does not apply to Dragon Quest Slime (MON) or Spriggan (MON).
- You must meet or exceed the requisite level to unlock the subspecies.
- For example, to trade Antlion Spirits and unlock Onyx Antlion (MON), you must be a level 30+ Antlion (MON).
- This condition does not apply to Dragon Quest Slime (MON) or Spriggan (MON).
- In the event that a player can unlock multiple subspecies, Suibhne informs him of one requisite item at random.
- Any of the requisite items may be traded at any time. There is no reason for it to be the one Suibhne mentioned during a player's last conversation with him.
- Some items, such as the Ake-Ome Spirit, can only be traded after being prompted.
Text Commands[edit]
The text command /checkname (/cn) has been introduced.
This command enables players to examine the true names of adventurers while they are possessing monsters in Monstrosity.
- This command functions in the exact same manner as /check when using it on normal adventurers.
The text command /monsterskill (/ms) has been introduced.
/monsterskill (/ms) "[m.s. name]" "[target name]"
Uses a monster skill on specified target.
You cannot use a monster skill that you have not learned.
- This command can only be used in Monstrosity.
Slime (MON) / Clot (MON) / Gold Slime (MON) / Boil (MON)
Hecteyes (MON)
Flan (MON) / Gold Flan (MON) / Blancmange (MON)
Leech (MON) / Azure Leech (MON) / Obdella (MON)
Slug (MON)
Sandworm (MON) / Pygmy Sandworm (MON) / Gigaworm (MON)
Crab (MON) / Basket-burdened Crab (MON) / Vermilion Crab (MON) / Vermilion Basket-burdened Crab (MON)
Pugil (MON) / Jagil (MON)
Toad (MON) / Azure Toad (MON) / Vermilion Toad (MON)
Uragnite (MON) / Limascabra (MON)
Sea Monk (MON) / Azure Sea Monk (MON)
Orobon (MON) / Pygmy Orobon (MON) / Ogrebon (MON)
Ruszor (MON)
Bat (MON) / Bat Trio (MON) / Vermilion Bat (MON) / Vermilion Bat Trio (MON)
Bird (MON) / Onyx Bird (MON)
Colibri (MON) / Tukalibri (MON)
Apkallu (MON) / Inguza (MON)
Cockatrice (MON) / Ziz (MON)
Roc (MON) / Legendary Roc (MON) / Gagana (MON)
Hippogryph (MON)
Amphiptere (MON) / Sanguiptere (MON)
Rabbit (MON) / Onyx Rabbit (MON) / Alabaster Rabbit (MON) / Lapinion (MON)
Tiger (MON) / Legendary Tiger (MON) / Smilodon (MON)
Coeurl (MON) / Lynx (MON) / Collared Lynx (MON)
Opo-opo (MON)
Gnole (MON)
Behemoth (MON) / Elasmoth (MON)
Sheep (MON) / Karakul (MON)
Dhalmel (MON)
Ram (MON)
Manticore (MON) / Legendary Manticore (MON)
Buffalo (MON)
Marid (MON)
Cerberus (MON) / Orthrus (MON)
Lizard (MON) / Ashen Lizard (MON)
Bugard (MON) / Abyssobugard (MON)
Wivre (MON) / Unusual Wivre (MON)
Adamantoise (MON) / Pygmy Adamantoise (MON) / Legendary Adamantoise (MON) / Ferromantoise (MON)
Raptor (MON) / Emerald Raptor (MON) / Vermilion Raptor (MON)
Eft (MON) / Tarichuk (MON)
Peiste (MON) / Sibilus (MON)
Mandragora (MON) / New Year Mandragora (MON) / Korrigan (MON) / Lycopodium (MON) / Pygmy Mandragora (MON) / Pachypodium (MON) / Adenium (MON)
Sabotender (MON) / Sabotender Florido (MON)
Flytrap (MON)
Rafflesia (MON) / Mitrastema (MON)
Goobbue (MON)
Treant Sapling (MON) / Treant (MON)
Funguar (MON) / Coppercap (MON)
Morbol (MON) / Pygmy Morbol (MON) / Scarce Morbol (MON) / Ameretat (MON) / Purbol (MON)
Panopt (MON)
Bee (MON) / Vermilion and Onyx Bee (MON) / Zaffre Bee (MON)
Fly (MON) / Vermilion Fly (MON)
Wamouracampa (MON) / Wamoura (MON) / Coral Wamoura (MON)
Beetle (MON) / Onyx Beetle (MON) / Gamboge Beetle (MON)
Crawler (MON) / Eruca (MON)
Spider (MON) / Reticulated Spider (MON) / Vermilion and Onyx Spider (MON)
Diremite (MON) / Arundimite (MON)
Scorpion (MON) / Scolopendrid (MON)
Antlion (MON) / Onyx Antlion (MON) / Formiceros (MON)
Chigoe (MON) / Azure Chigoe (MON)
Ladybug (MON) / Gold Ladybug (MON)
Gnat (MON) / Midge (MON)
Astoltian Slime (MON) / She-Slime (MON) / Metal Slime (MON)
Spriggan (MON) / Spriggan.C (MON) / Spriggan.G (MON)
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- Instincts (7 P)
- Monipulators (154 P)
Pages in category "Monstrosity"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.
- Abyssobugard (MON)
- Adamantoise (MON)
- Adenium (MON)
- Aengus
- Ake-Ome Spirit
- Alabaster Rabbit (MON)
- Ameretat (MON)
- Amphiptere (MON)
- Antlion (MON)
- Antlion Spirit
- Apkallu (MON)
- Arundimite (MON)
- Ashen Lizard (MON)
- Astoltian Slime (MON)
- Azure Chigoe (MON)
- Azure Leech (MON)
- Azure Sea Monk (MON)
- Azure Toad (MON)
- Sabotender (MON)
- Sabotender Florido (MON)
- Sandworm (MON)
- Sanguiptere (MON)
- Scarce Morbol (MON)
- Scolopendrid (MON)
- Scorpion (MON)
- Sea Monk (MON)
- She-Slime (MON)
- She-Slime Spirit
- Sheep (MON)
- Sibilus (MON)
- Slime (MON)
- Slime Fetish
- Slug (MON)
- Smilodon (MON)
- Spider (MON)
- Spriggan (MON)
- Spriggan Fetish
- Spriggan.C (MON)
- Spriggan.G (MON)
- Suibhne
- Suspicious Elvaan
- Suspicious Galka
- Suspicious Hume
- Suspicious Tarutaru