Ambuscade is a instanced dungeon battlefield in which players team up against the monster-of-the-month.
Getting Started[edit]
First, activate the Records of Eminence quest Stepping into an ambuscade, then talk to Gorpa-Masorpa in Mhaura at (G-9). To enter any Ambuscade battlefield all players in the party will need a Key Item; there are two different Key items to obtain: Primer Volume One and Primer Volume Two. Which Key Item you will need depends on what battlefield you wish to enter. Please note that it is possible to obtain and hold both Key items at the same time. Key Items are also not reset after the monthly update so if you still had a Key Item when the update hit, you will still have it at the start of the new Ambuscade content.
Obtaining Key Items[edit]
You obtain the Key Items with Records of Eminence quests. There are two different quests per Key Item to activate: a non-repeatable daily quest, and a repeatable quest. The daily quests requires you to kill one specific monster, the repeatable quest requires you to kill 10. The type of monster to be killed varies each month and Primer Volume One and Primer Volume Two require different monsters to be killed.
Take a number, get in line[edit]
Once everyone in the party has the Primer key items, the party leader then registers the party. There are five difficulty levels to choose from and two possible battlefields known as "Intense" (Primer Volume One) and "Regular" (Primer Volume Two). When your turn comes up, the party members in the zone are warped to the battlefield. Note: A successful fight causes the key item to be used up, but a loss will not.
The are two forms of currency won from Ambuscade, Hallmarks and Gallantry, both of which are reset to zero at version update. The amount rewarded is based on difficulty level and type of battlefield. Hallmarks can be consumed by purchasing items from Gorpa-Masorpa. Also, the running tally of hallmarks grant access to the current version of Ambuscade Armor, but does not consume the hallmarks. A normal quality set can be gained at 1,050 hallmarks, and a high quality set at 14,500 hallmarks. Gallantry can be used to purchase items that were featured in the last version update.
Pages in category "Ambuscade"
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