
(Redirected from Qufim)

Located to the northeast of Jeuno in the Sea of Shu'Meyo, the crescent shaped Qufim Island region is a cold and mysterious place. Home to the remaining Gigas from the attack upon Jeuno during the Crystal War, Qufim is also where you will find the ancient and enormous Delkfutt's Tower.


The outpost of this region is located in Qufim Island at F-6. To use the teleporting NPC, you must be at least level 15.

Regional Vendor[edit]

Bastok Merchant San d'Oria Merchant Windurst Merchant Goods
Metalworks (I-8)
Northern San d'Oria (H-8)
Windurst Woods (J-12)

Magic Pot Shard
(4659 gil)

This article uses material from the "Category:Qufim" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.

Pages in category "Qufim"

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