Dynamis - Beaucedine
Table of Contents
Zone Information
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Entered via Trail Markings at Beaucedine Glacier (F-11) |
Monsters Found Here[edit]
Monster Family | Job | Min Level | Max Level | Aggro | Currency |
Goblin Vanguard | All | 75 | 80 | S, L | T. Whiteshell 1 Byne Bill O. Bronzepiece |
Orcish Vanguard | All | 75 | 80 | S, L | O. Bronzepiece |
Quadav Vanguard | All | 75 | 80 | S, L | 1 Byne Bill |
Yagudo Vanguard | All | 75 | 80 | S, L | T. Whiteshell |
Hydra Corps | All | 75 | 80 | S, L | T. Whiteshell 1 Byne Bill O. Bronzepiece |
Vanguard Eye | BLM | ![]() |
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A, S H, L |
Ginuva's Theory T. Whiteshell O. Bronzepiece 1 Byne Bill L. Jadeshell M. Silverpiece 100 Byne Bill |
Avatar Icon | BLM | ![]() |
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A, S H, L |
![]() |
Notorious Monsters[edit]
Name | Job | Pos | Drops | Notes |
Adamantking Image | WAR | (K-9) | ![]() |
10 minute time extension. |
Avatar Idol | BLM | (I-8) (I-9) |
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10 minute time extension. |
Goblin Statue | WHM | (H-9) (I-8) |
![]() |
10 minute time extension. Spawns among the Goblin Vanguard. Can rarely spawn amongst the Yagudo Vanguard. |
Warchief Tombstone | RDM | (J-7) | ![]() |
10 minute time extension. |
Rearguard Eye | BLM | (H-8) | ![]() |
20 minute time extension. |
Angra Mainyu | RDM BLM |
(J-5) | ![]() |
Zone Boss Ahriman Spawns Fire Pukis, Wind Pukis, Petro Pukis and Poison Pukis Will teleport around. Recommend pet job to keep pet targeted. |
Fire Pukis | Pet | (J-5) | ![]() |
Spawned by Angra Mainyu Uses Flame Breath |
Wind Pukis | Pet | (J-5) | ![]() |
Spawned by Angra Mainyu Uses Wind Breath |
Petro Pukis | Pet | (J-5) | ![]() |
Spawned by Angra Mainyu Uses Petro Eyes |
Poison Pukis | Pet | (J-5) | ![]() |
Spawned by Angra Mainyu Uses Poison Breath |
Arch Angra Mainyu | RDM BLM |
(J-5) | Avesta Bangles Chtonic Staff Oneiros Cluster |
Mega Boss Spawned by trading Fiendish Tome: Chapter 21, Fiendish Tome: Chapter 22, Fiendish Tome: Chapter 23, Fiendish Tome: Chapter 24, and Fiendish Tome: Chapter 25 Uses Chainspell Casts Death |
Hydra Corps[edit]
- Note: All the Goblin NMs in Dynamis have an additional TP attack: Goblin Dice. This has a random area of effect: Sleep, Slow, Dispel, Disease, Poison, damage, reset TP to 0, Benediction, or recharges players' abilities.
- Note: All the Orc NMs in Dynamis have an additional TP attack: Fanatic Dance. This charms everyone in melee range, which can become perilous to back-line jobs.
- Note: All the Quadav NMs in Dynamis have an additional TP attack: Wrath of Gu'Dha. This ability inflicts AoE physical damage (can be absorbed by shadows), severe knockback, and causes weight.
- Note: All the Yagudo NMs in Dynamis have an additional TP attack: Doom. The countdown is 10 seconds, but if the NM is slain before that time the victim will likely "narrowly avoid doom."
As of the 5-10-11 update a lot has changed about Dynamis.
- Enemies are no longer true sight/ sound, Sneak and Invisible do work to move past them
- Time extensions are in a new locations:
- Goblin Statue (10 min.): (H-9) Down the first ramp in the middle of Goblins.
- Avatar Idol (10 min.): Either bottom of (I-8) or the top of (I-9) just before the end of the Yagudo area before 3rd ramp.
- Adamantking Image (10 min.): (K-9) Southeast-most part of the coast line amongst the quadav.
- Warchief Tombstone (10 min.): (J-7) At the pond amongst the orcs.
- Rearguard Eye (20 min.): (H-8) Hiding in the very northeast part of the area amongst Hydra Corps enemies. This is the same level as Nue's tower. There's a little alcove along the mountains to the west of it that is safe to camp for it. Does not link with the Hydra Corps monsters.
- Upon collecting at least 3 of the time extension Key Items, you gain the ability to stagger enemies, including the NMs. See Weakness Trigger Conditions below.
- The boss is now a Forced Spawn with a Leering Bijou which are collected from the NMs throughout the zone.
- NMs are now Lottery Spawn with the corresponding enemies of that type.
- Unlike Xarcabard, there are no free-roaming NMs.
- Hydra Corps monsters are not aggressive to low health like most Fomor.
Win Strategies Post-Update[edit]
Get a Leering Bijou at the pond, then attempt battlefield [1]
- Farm a Leering Bijou from the NM around the pond just before you go down the ramp to Angra Mainyu.
- Have a Thief take the Leering Bijou, then gather the party in the NW corner of the Fei'Yin area.
- Take your provoker to the ??? with your thief and trade the Bijou to spawn Angra Mainyu.
- There are 4 dragons that spawn when you spawn it.
- Have thief activate Flee, run to the far corner by the map, and use Perfect Dodge. Then have the provoker grab Angra Mainyu and run it to NW corner.
- The dragons will run back if you attempt to run up the ramp.
- You get a message "You have left the battlefield" and the dragons will race back to the eye as soon as thief runs out of range.
- Zerg Angra Mainyu and the
Hydra Corps Insignia drops to everyone in party/alliance who need it.
- Angra Mainyu still casts Death and teleport around but goes down fairly easy to zerging.
Weakness Trigger Conditions[edit]
The Weakness Trigger condition is based off the enemy's job:
- RNG / THF / MNK / BST / NIN: Job Abilities and any enemy-targetable ability or physical Blood Pact: Rage, except pet commands and possibly Ventriloquy. Pet special attacks (via "Ready") will also work.
- PLD / WAR / SAM / DRG / DRK: Weapon Skills and select Puppetmaster Maneuvers, possibly based on current Automaton frame's deciding maneuvers for Weapon Skills.
- WHM / BLM / SMN / BRD / RDM: Magic and any magical Blood Pact: Rage or enemy-targeted spell with the possible exception of cures and Odin.
It is possible to trigger a weakness during an enemy's 1 hour ability and during spell casting.
The number of Time Extensions obtained affect your weakness trigger rate:
- 0-2 - None
- 3 - Low / Blue: Potentially transient Amnesia or nothing.
- 4 - Medium / Yellow: Terror. Stops 1-hour abilities, but does not stop them from using them again.
- 5 - High / Red: Terror. Stops 1-hour abilities and prevents them from being used again.
If you trigger a red weakness on a Notorious Monster, then the NM can use its One Hour Ability again.
Attestation NMs[edit]
The Attestations NMs are now spawned by pop items that are farmed from Fomors of the corresponding job.
For example, Goublefaupe is a PLD/RDM/WAR, so you need to farm the Despot's Fortune Parchment that drops from Hydra Paladin, Hydra Red Mage and Hydra Warrior.
They still spawn in the same towers as before, but you trade the corresponding Parchment to the ??? point there, and the NM will spawn.
Unlike before, the NMs spawn alone, without helpers, and you have a 15-minute time limit to defeat it. You can fight it inside the tower safely.
The NMs link by sight with other Hydras.
Original Areas: Bastok | Jeuno | San d'Oria | Windurst | Beaucedine | Xarcabard
Dreamworld Areas: Buburimu | Qufim | Valkurm | Tavnazia
Bosses: Gu'Dha Effigy | Goblin Golem | Overlord's Tombstone | Tzee Xicu Idol | Angra Mainyu | Dynamis Lord | Apocalyptic Beast | Antaeus | Cirrate Christelle | Diabolos Club | Diabolos Diamond | Diabolos Heart | Diabolos Spade
Time Extension Monsters: Adamantking Effigy | Effigy Prototype | Avatar Icon | Icon Prototype | Warchief Tombstone | Tombstone Prototype | Goblin Statue | Statue Prototype | Rearguard Eye | Prototype Eye
Rewards: Ancient Currency | Relic Accessories | Relic Armor | Relic Armor +1 | Relic Weapons
Hydra Doublet Set | Hydra Harness Set | Hydra Haubert Set | Hydra Jupon Set
Other: Animated Weapons | Sagheera | Vanguard Statues | Trail Markings | Hieroglyphics
- ↑ Strategy outlined at http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxi/threads/7904-Dynamis-Beaucedine-win-strategy edited to improve quality.