Troll Fugitives
Monster | Level | Strengths | Weaknesses | Spawns |
Notes |
Broken Troll Soldier (PLD, RDM, MNK, WAR) |
T-VT to 75 in uncapped |
15 |
A, S, L | |
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants |
Kill all the Broken Troll Soldiers.
- They start out somewhat wounded, making them easier to kill. They range in health from 25% to 75%.
- They may use 2-hour abilities. Beware of Hundred Fists.
- Some of the trolls are grouped together. Taking someone along to sleep links is helpful.
- Watch your time carefully. Send someone to the Rune of Release early if you are getting short on time.
- To maximize time, kill the trolls in this order based on map: H-7 (3), I-8 (1), G-8 (3), I-9 (3), I-7 (1), G-10 (2), F-10 (1), G-9 (1). If you do the killing in this order, the rune of release will be just east of the G-9 troll.
- The I-7 troll may be pulled towards I-9 early (when the final I-9 troll is engaged) to save some time moving around the map.
- G-9 troll starts with 75% health and will use its 2 hour job ability at 50% health.
- If Hundred Fists or Chainspell is used, melee should turn their back and troll should be put to sleep. Using Flash/Stun during this moment will help. Sometimes the trolls will use their 2 hour ability upon being aggroed.
- Can be completed with a party of 4 (cleared with BRD/NIN/BLU/RDM with under 5 minutes left). Also as BRD/MNK/BLU/RDM, with RDM DDing occasionally.
- Can be done by 3 people (In this case brd/whm, sam/dnc and war/nin). WAR and BRD used 2hrs at start to save time. War died @ 10 minute mark but managed to recover and complete the assault with 4 minute left on the clock.
Assault | |
Leujaoam Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL |
Periqia Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL |
Assault Point Rewards: Amir Armor | Pahluwan Armor | Yigit Armor | Other |
This article uses material from the "Troll_Fugitives" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.