Wamoura Farm Raid

Mission Name: Assault Mission - Wamoura Farm Raid
Mercenary Rank: Sergeant Major
Start NPC: Famad - Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-10)
Staging Point: Halvung Staging Point
Objective: Remove the threat
Recruitment: Lv.70, 3-6 mercenaries
Mission Orders: The enemy has begun raising swarms of wamoura in the Lebros Caverns. If they reach adulthood, they would present a formidable threat. Infiltrate the Lebros Caverns and destroy them.
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Reward: Lebros Cavern Assault Points
  • 3 Members: 1749(First clear)
  • 4 Members: 1575(First clear)
  • 5 Members: 1399(First clear)
  • 6 Members: 1225(First clear)

Varies based on the number of members.



Monster Level Strengths Weaknesses Spawns


Ranch Wamoura


  • Immune to:
  • Strong to: Fire
  • Susceptible to:
  • Weak to:


Ranch Wamouracampa


  • Immune to:
  • Strong to: Fire
  • Susceptible to:
  • Weak to:



A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants


Ancient Lockbox
Hi-Potion +3 (???%)
Hi-Ether Tank (???%)
Hi-Potion Tank (???%)
??? Sword (???%)
Kumokirimaru (???%)
Hotarumaru (???%)
Gust Claymore (???%)
Uchigatana +1 (???%)
??? Polearm (???%)
Flan Smasher (???%)
Brass Zaghnal (???%)
Holly Pole +1 (???%)
Spark Spear (???%)
Willow Wand +1 (???%)
??? Axe (???%)
Pickaxe (???%)
??? Box (???%)
Bomb Ash (???%)
Bronze Bullet Pouch (???%)
Copper Ore (???%)
Flan Meat (???%)
Holy Basil (???%)
Iron Bullet Pouch (???%)
Red Rock (???%)
Sulfur (???%)
Troll Pauldron (???%)


Eliminate all enemies.

  • When you first enter there will be 16 Ranch Wamouracampas spread all across the map.
    • One Wamouracampa will either spawn at the end of the Northwest, Northeast, or North-center paths.
  • After a certain amount of time, 1-3 of these Ranch Wamouracampa will "evolve" into a Ranch Wamoura.
    • It is unclear if 0 or more than 3 Ranch Wamouracampa can evolve into a Ranch Wamoura. (confirmed 4/2/2008 - 3 evolved in a 4-man run)
  • Both the Wamouracampa and the Wamoura have MP that can be aspired.
  • Widescan works here and helps eliminate the time wasted running down dead-end passages, particularly on the northern side of the map.
  • A lot of your time will be drained running from the North mobs to the South mobs (or vice versa) then to the Rune of Release in the middle.
  • If you win the assault, you will get 43.8125 assault points for each Ranch Wamouracampa you killed and 101.813 assault points for each Ranch Wamoura you killed.


  • A party setup of 6 jobs that need minimal healing, no down time and can do a great amount of damage in a short amount of time is strongly recommended.
    • 1-2 dispellers is strongly recommend in a melee heavy group so that Heat Barrier (Enfire + Blaze Spikes) from Ranch Wamouracampa can be taken down quickly.
    • Having someone with Widescan so that you can save 5+ mins checking all three northern spawns is recommended, but unnecessary as you will probably have 10+ minutes to spare.
  • A PT of 6 (2 blm, 2 healers, 2 DD) can also easily clear this. BLMs take the northern half of the map while healers and DD take the southern half.
  • A party of 3 (2 SAM/NIN and 1 WHM/SCH) did this assault with 10 minutes to spare. Very easy to do, did south first then finished with the top. Sams made skillchains to take out the wamouracampa's quickly. Possibly would be faster if using Soboro but they just used the Magian GK's.
  • Easily solo'ed on PUP99/DNC49 with WHM/RDM frame automaton in under 20 minutes. Might have been faster if used a DD frame automaton, since the healing magic was never needed once, and never even hit orange HP, having used Drain Samba II only.



Leujaoam Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL
Mamool Ja Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL
Lebros Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL

Periqia Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL
Ilrusi Missions: PSC | PFC | SP | LC | C | S | SM | CS | SL | FL
Nyzul Isle Missions: Nyzul Isle Investigation | Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey

Assault Point Rewards: Amir Armor | Pahluwan Armor | Yigit Armor | Other
Nyzul Isle Rewards: Askar Armor | Denali Armor | Goliard Armor | Mythic Weapons

This article uses material from the "Wamoura_Farm_Raid" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.