Crimson Key
Crimson Key
This ancient key has been weathered by the years, save for the single flawless ruby that gleams softly from its resting place in the grip.
Trading Seedspall Lux obtained from Orcs in Jugner Forest., Seedspall Luna obtained from Quadavs in Pashhow Marshlands and Seedspall Astrum obtained from Yagudo in Meriphataud Mountains. to Squintrox Dryeyes (G-8) in Port Jeuno
Examining the Treasure Coffer in the Tenshodo HQ in Lower Jeuno with this key item in your possession will allow you to exchange it for certain items (see below). Choose "Key from A Crystalline Prophecy" and then "Crimson Key". Any equipment received from this has a possibility of being Augmented. It should also be noted that you cannot acquire this key item without the expansion.
This article uses material from the "Crimson_Key" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.