Dark Spirit

(Redirected from Dark Spirit Pact)

Dark Spirit Pact[edit]


Teaches the summoning magic Dark Spirit.


Dark Spirit[edit]

Summons a Dark Spirit to fight by your side.

Spell cost: 10 MP
Spell element: Dark
Magic skill: Summoning Magic
Casting Time: 1 second
Recast Time: 10 seconds

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: ???~??? gil

List of Spells[edit]

Spell Summoner Job Level
Blind 4
Bio 10
Drain 10
Sleep 20
Aspir 20
Absorb-MND 31
Sleepga 31
Dispel 32
Absorb-CHR 33
Absorb-VIT 35
Bio II 35
Absorb-AGI 37
Stun 37
Absorb-INT 39
Sleep II 41
Absorb-DEX 41
Absorb-STR 43
Absorb-TP 45
Sleepga II 56

Perpetuation Cost[edit]

Levels Perpetuation Cost
1-18 1 mp/tick
19-24 2 mp/tick
25-37 1 mp/tick
38-56 2 mp/tick
57-74 3 mp/tick
75-80 4 mp/tick
81-89 5 mp/tick
90 4 mp/tick
91-99 5 mp/tick
*The values listed assume that Auto Refresh is in effect.

Spirit Spell Casting Time[edit]

Summoning Skill affects the length of time it will take for spirits to cast spells.

The formula for Spirits' casting time in seconds is:

Casting Time = 48 + (max Summoning Skill - current Summoning Skill) / 3
  • If Spirit is cast on corresponding day: -3 seconds
  • If Spirit is cast on weak day: +3 seconds
  • If Spirit is cast during corresponding weather: -2 seconds
  • If Spirit is cast during weak weather: +2 seconds
  • If using Summoner's Spats: -5 seconds
  • If using Astral Flow: -5 seconds
  • Light Spirit in healing mode or buffing mode: 1/2 Casting Time

Related Gear[edit]

Name Lvl Slot
Duende Cotehardie 50 Body Dark Spirit Perpetuation Cost -1
Dark Staff 51 Staff Hidden Effect: Dark Spirit Perpetuation Cost -2
Pluto's Staff 51 Staff Hidden Effect: Dark Spirit Perpetuation Cost -3

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Summoning ( )

Dropped From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Viscount Morax (NM) 68 Castle Zvahl Keep
Stygian Demon 73-77 Uleguerand Range
Kindred Summoner 81-83 Uleguerand Range


Name Level Cap Zone
Call to Arms Level 60, 30 minutes, 6 members Talacca Cove
Making a Mockery Level 60, 30 minutes, 6 members Jade Sepulcher
Tough Nut to Crack Level 60, 30 minutes, 6 members Navukgo Execution Chamber

Tenshodo Coffer[edit]

Key Mission
Crimson Key Trade Seedspall Lux, Seedspall Luna, and Seedspall Astrum to Squintrox Dryeyes

Campaign Unions[edit]

v  d  e
Magic of Vana'diel: Summoning Magic

Alexander • Atomos • Carbuncle • Cait Sith • Diabolos • Fenrir • Garuda • Ifrit  • Leviathan • Odin • Ramuh • Shiva • Titan
Air • Dark • Earth • Fire • Ice • Light • Thunder • Water

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning

This article uses material from the "Dark_Spirit" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.