
(Redirected from COR)

Job Overview

Available after completing Luck of the Draw.
Descendants of the dauntless pirates that once scourged the seas of the Near East, Corsairs (COR) rely on the “Hexagun” (a multi-barreled handgun) and elaborate luck-based abilities to alter the stakes of battle.
Corsairs use Job Abilities known as a Phantom Roll to give their party members an edge in battle. Refresh, Attack Bonus, and Store TP bonus are a few of the many ways that Corsairs can buff their parties, along with several other unique buffs.

Table of Contents:

AbilitiesTraitsMeritsPhantom Roll
Combat SkillsArtifact EquipmentCorsair Guides

Job Abilities

Level  Name
01  Wild Card
05  Phantom Roll
05  Double-Up
40  Quick Draw
50  Random Deal
75 (Merit)  Snake Eye
75 (Merit)  Fold
87  Triple Shot
95  Crooked Cards
96  Cutting Cards

Job Traits

Level  Name
05  Resist Paralyze
15  Rapid Shot
25  Resist Paralyze II
30  Resist Amnesia
35  Recycle
45  Resist Paralyze III
65  Resist Paralyze IV
75 Merit  Winning Streak
75 Merit  Loaded Deck
85  True Shot
95  True shot II

Group 1 Merits

Level  Name
Merit  Phantom Roll Recast
Merit  Quick Draw Recast
Merit  Quick Draw Accuracy
Merit  Random Deal Recast
Merit  Bust Duration

Phantom Roll

Level  Roll Lucky # Unlucky #
05  Corsair's Roll 5 9
08  Ninja Roll 4 8
11  Hunter's Roll 4 8
14  Chaos Roll 4 8
17  Magus's Roll 2 6
20  Healer's Roll 3 7
23  Drachen Roll 4 8
26  Choral Roll 2 6
31  Monk's Roll 3 7
34  Beast Roll 4 8
37  Samurai Roll 2 6
40  Evoker's Roll 5 9
43  Rogue's Roll 5 9
46  Warlock's Roll 4 8
49  Fighter's Roll 5 9
Level  Roll Lucky # Unlucky #
52  Puppet Roll 3 7
55  Gallant's Roll 3 7
58  Wizard's Roll 5 9
61  Dancer's Roll 3 7
64  Scholar's Roll 2 6
67  Naturalist's Roll 3 7
70  Runeist's Roll 4 8
76  Bolter's Roll 3 9
79  Caster's Roll 2 7
81  Courser's Roll 3 9
83  Blitzer's Roll 4 9
86  Tactician's Roll 5 8
89  Allies' Roll 3 10
92  Miser's Roll 5 7
95  Companion's Roll 2 10
97  Avenger's Roll 4 8

  • The exact potency of Phantom Roll results can be reduced for the receiving players if they are of a level higher than the Corsair. (eg, a level 75 job would receive a smaller attack bonus from Chaos Roll from a level 14 Corsair than they would from a 75 Corsair with the same number result) However, the Corsair still receives full potency. (eg. A party of 75+ receiving Evoker's Roll from a level 50 Corsair will lose the effect 1 1/2 minutes before the Corsair will)
  • Rolls from a sub Corsair are 1/2 the listed effectiveness.
  • Please see the Phantom Roll page for additional information on Phantom Roll details.
  • When having a Trust of a certain job, you will also get the job benefit on Phantom Roll.

Combat Skill Ratings

 Skill Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 49 Cap at Level 99
 Dagger B+ 5 144 404
 Swords B- 5 144 388
 Marksmanship B 5 144 398
 Throwing C+ 5 139 378
 Parrying A- 6 150 417
 Evasion D 4 133 334

See Corsair Skill Caps for a by-level breakdown of Weapon Skill limits.

Artifact Equipment

To see a side by side comparison of Artifact/Relic sets visit Corsair Artifact/Relic Sets Comparison.
To see a side by side comparison of Empyrean sets visit Navarch's Sets Comparison.
Artifact Set
Level Artifact
30  Corsair's Torque
40  Trump Gun
52  Corsair's Culottes
54  Corsair's Gants
56  Corsair's Bottes
58  Corsair's Frac
60  Corsair's Tricorne
Artifact Set +1
Level Artifact
74  Corsair's Tricorne +1
74  Corsair's Frac +1
74  Corsair's Gants +1
74  Corsair's Culottes +1
74  Corsair's Bottes +1
Mythic/Empyrean Weapons
Level Weapon
75  Death Penalty (Mythic)
80  Death Penalty (Mythic)
 Armageddon (Empyrean)
85  Death Penalty (Mythic)
 Armageddon (Empyrean)
90  Death Penalty (Mythic)
 Armageddon (Empyrean)
95  Death Penalty (Mythic)
 Armageddon (Empyrean)
99  Death Penalty (Mythic)
 Armageddon (Empyrean)

Relic Set
Level Relic
70  Commodore Belt
71  Commodore Culottes
72  Commodore Gants
73  Commodore Bottes
74  Commodore Frac
75  Commodore Tricorne
Relic Set +1
Level Relic
75  Commodore Tricorne +1
75  Commodore Frac +1
75  Commodore Gants +1
75  Commodore Culottes +1
75  Commodore Bottes +1
Relic Set +2
Level Relic
90  Commodore's Tricorne +2
90  Commodore Frac +2
90  Commodore Gants +2
90  Commodore Culottes +2
90  Commodore Bottes +2
Empyrean Set / +1 / +2
Level Empyrean
80  Navarch's Choker
81  Navarch's Bottes / +1 / +2
83  Navarch's Culottes / +1 / +2
84  Navarch's Mantle
85  Navarch's Tricorne / +1 / +2
87  Navarch's Gants / +1 / +2
89  Navarch's Frac / +1 / +2
90  Navarch's Earring

Corsair Guides

Historical Background

Corsairs were French privateers from the north-western French port of Saint-Malo, located on the northern coast of Brittany. Since the corsairs gained a swashbuckling reputation, the word corsair is also used generically as a more romantic or flamboyant version of the word privateer, or even of the word pirate. The Barbary Pirates of North Africa were sometimes called "Turkish corsairs".

The name "corsair" derives from the commissioning document received from the king, the Lettre de Course ("racing letter" or "racing commission"). The "race", la course, was a euphemism for chasing down foreign merchant shipping. The Lettre de Course was known in other countries as a letter of marque and reprisal (in French Lettre de Marque); the French often preferred the different term of Lettre de Course but the document was the same in substance.

See Also

Corsair: A History

This article uses material from the "Corsair" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.