Ranged Attack
Determines the damage done by a Ranged Attack. Similar to attack, every 1 STR will give .75 Ranged Attack.
- Ranged Attack = {( 8 + Combat Skill + 3STR/4 + (+ Ranged Attack from gear) + (+attack trait/ability/minuet)) * (1 + (berserk effect + warcry + velocity shot effect + chaos roll effect))} * (1+ percentage increase from food )
Equipment that affects Ranged Attack[edit]
Name | Type | Level | Bonus |
Njord's Mask | Head | 15 | +1 |
Freyr's Mask | Head | 25 | +1 |
Risky Patch | Head | 33 | +3 |
Freya's Mask | Head | 35 | +1 |
Super Ribbon | Head | 52 | +1 |
Hunter's Beret | Head | 54 | +5 |
Akinji Khud | Head | 55 | +2 |
Jaridah Khud | Head | 55 | +1 |
Qiqirn Hood | Head | 65 | +2 |
Bowman's Mask | Head | 70 | "Set" +?? |
Ebon Visor | Head | 71 | +4 |
Ebur Visor | Head | 71 | +4 |
Furia Visor | Head | 71 | +4 |
Zha'Go's Barbut | Head | 71 | +8 |
Hunter's Beret +1 | Head | 74 | +5 |
Commodore Tricorne | Head | 75 | +8 |
Commodore Tricorne +1 | Head | 75 | +10 |
Skadi's Visor | Head | 75 | +6 |
Gules Cap | Head | 79 | +5 |
Gules Cap +1 | Head | 79 | +6 |
Name | Type | Level | Bonus |
Ranger's Necklace | Neck | 14 | +5 |
Jagd Gorget | Neck | 40 | +6 |
Lleu's Charm | Neck | 69 | +4 |
Sniper's Collar | Neck | 69 | +5 |
Diabolos's Torque | Neck | 70 | Dark Weather:+8 |
Naraenten Bead Necklace | Neck | 71 | +5 |
Qiqirn Collar | Neck | 74 | +8 |
Kappa Necklace | Neck | 75 | +8 |
Corvus Torque | Neck | 79 | +10 |
Sylvan Scarf | Neck | 80 | +8 |
Name | Type | Level | Bonus |
Iron Musketeer's Gambison | Body | 40 | +3 |
Iron Musketeer's Gambison +1 | Body | 40 | +3 |
Iron Musketeer's Gambison +2 | Body | 40 | +3 |
Royal Squire's Chainmail +1 | Body | 43 | "Under Own Nations Control:" +6 |
Royal Squire's Chainmail +2 | Body | 43 | "Under Own Nations Control:" +8 |
Shikaree Aketon | Body | 50 | +7 |
Hydra Harness | Body | 70 | Enchantment: +25 |
Kyudogi | Body | 70 | +7 |
Kyudogi +1 | Body | 70 | +9 |
Archer's Jupon | Body | 71 | +10 |
Ebon Jerkin | Body | 71 | +5 |
Ebur Jerkin | Body | 71 | +5 |
Furia Jerkin | Body | 71 | +5 |
Commodore Frac | Body | 74 | +8 |
Corsair's Frac +1 | Body | 74 | +5 |
Koga Chainmail | Body | 74 | +8 |
Commodore Frac +1 | Body | 75 | +10 |
Denali Jacket | Body | 75 | +9 |
Koga Chainmail +1 | Body | 75 | +10 |
Skadi's Cuirie | Body | 75 | +5 |
Gules Harness | Body | 79 | +8 |
Gules Harness +1 | Body | 79 | +9 |
Loki's Kaftan | Body | 79 | +7 |
RK belt +2 level 52 ranged attack +6
Name | Type | Level | Bonus |
Amemet Mantle | Back | 61 | +10 |
Amemet Mantle +1 | Back | 61 | +15 |
Name | Type | Level | Bonus |
Bastokan Subligar | Legs | 25 | +3 |
Republic Subligar | Legs | 25 | +5 |
Jaridah Salvars | Legs | 55 | +3 |
Akinji Salvars | Legs | 55 | +4 |
War Boots level 70 thf/rng/cor ranged attack +5
Gunner's ring level 40 ranged accuracy -5 ranged attack +5 All jobs
level 60 set (only receive full effect with set): Wilhelm's Earring. rattk +1 (set: agi+8)
Fire Staff +10
Vulcan's Staff +10
Atesh Pole +14
Kriegsbeil +8
Fransisca +7
Junior Musketeer's Tuck +1 +4
Junior Musketeer's Tuck +2 +5
Corsair's Scimitar +10
Merveilleuse +4 (Set)
None in existance
Vendetta +4 (Set)
None in existance
Great Katana[edit]
Namioyogi +4 (Set)
Hand to Hand[edit]
None in existance
This article uses material from the "Ranged_Attack" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.