
(Redirected from Lair Reive)

Lair Reive.jpg

Colonizing a primordial continent such as Ulbuka poses challenges that test even the most experienced adventurers. For this reason, many who brave the wilderness have begun banding together and have developed a new style of battle. Any badge-carrying pioneer can join in the quest to clear the harrowing wilds of danger.

Even those without a party can jump into the fray and assist those already dueling the forces of nature! One for all, and all for the continent!

Reives are similar to Campaign Battles. They take place in the East Ulbuka Territory.


To participate in a reive, simply approach the area where a battle is taking place (denoted by enemies and players with sword icons by their names).

When a player strays too far from the reive, a warning is displayed in the chat log and the player is given five seconds to return to the reive. If the player does not return within five seconds, he or she is locked out of participation in any reives in the zone for 5 minutes. This restriction can be removed by changing zones.


Players' contributions to the reive are periodically assessed, and players are awarded experience points and bayld based on participation. The frequency of the evaluations is based on damage dealt by any participants to the Lairs and Obstacles, so neglecting the main targets reduces evaluations; if all participants completely avoid the Lairs and Obstacles, no evaluations will occur and experience points and bayld will not be awarded to anyone. Players do not personally have to attack the main targets, but the primary targets must be damaged by someone in the Reive.

When a player fights in a reive to its conclusion, additional experience points and bayld are awarded, as well as a chance to receive one or more items. The calculation method for Reive evaluations is not yet known. Dealing physical damage factors most heavily into the evaluation, but taking damage, healing, and enhancing are also rewarded. Actions taken by pets do not factor into the evaluation at all.

Important Items[edit]

Reive unity[edit]

Before participating heavily in reives, players should obtain the Key ItemReive unity key item from the quest Scaredy-Cats. This item grants healing, enhancing, and offensive bonuses to players during reives, similar to Abyssea's Abyssite. These bonuses are known as Reive Momentum.


The Key Item"Logging" key item allows players to damage Knotted Roots and Broadleaf Palms during Colonization Reives. It is obtained from the quest Grind to Sawdust.


The Key Item"Demolishing" key item allows players to damage Bedrock Crags in Morimar Basalt Fields during Colonization Reives. It is obtained from the quest A Stone's Throw Away.


The Key Item"Fragmenting" key item allows players to damage Icy Palisades during Colonization Reives. It is obtained from the quest Breaking the Ice.


The Key Item"Pulverizing" key item allows players to damage Amaranth Barriers during Colonization Reives. It is obtained from the quest Lerene's Lament.

Types of Reives[edit]

Colonization Reive[edit]

Colonization Reive

Bushwhacking through a verdant jungle or over treacherous landscape can be a grueling experience in and of itself, so what happens when the landscape fights back? In this type of reive, you'll not only need to overcome hordes of bloodthirsty beasts, but also the terrain they're protecting!

Colonization reives involve clearing obstacles from the path. Victories in these reives allow players to access deeper areas in Adoulin.

The following colonization reives are known:

Ceizak Battlegrounds[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root F/G-7 Floodplain Spider

Arrowwood Log
Ash Log
Celadon Yggrete Shard I, II, IV, V
Feyweald Log
Fruit Seeds
Grain Seeds
H-P Bayld
Herb Seeds
Lauan Log
Mahogany Log
Moko Grass
Revival Tree Root
Urunday Log
Vegetable Seeds
Simulacrum Segments

G/H-8 Lightfoot Lapinion
I-8 Bounding Chapuli
G-9 Lavender Twitherym

Yahse Hunting Grounds[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root H-7 Temblor Beetle Arrowwood Log

Ash Log
Fruit Seeds
Grain Seeds
H-P Bayld
Herb Seeds
Lauan Log
Mahogany Log
Moko Grass
Wildgrass Seeds
Simulacrum Segments

H-8 Lancing Wasp
J-8 Lancing Wasp
G-9 Quivering Twitherym
I-9 Shrubshredder Chapuli

Sih Gates[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root H-6/7 Cthonic Chapuli

Fetid Twitherym

Chapuli Wing
Cyclone Cotton
Mythril Ore
Mushroom Locust
Silver Ore
Sobbing Fungus
Tin Ore
Zinc Ore
Simulacrum Segments

I-8/9 Mighty Craklaw

Somber Obdella

Foret de Hennetiel[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Broadleaf Palm G-6 Blood Toad

Cinder Crab

Herb Seeds
Locust Elutriator
Rala Visage I
Saffron Blossom
Zaffre Yggrete Shard I, II, III, IV, V
Simulacrum Segments

H-7 Blood Toad

Cinder Crab

E-8 Craklaw

Primrose Jagil

G-9/10 Primrose Jagil

Wetlands Orobon

I-10 Primrose Jagil

Wetlands Orobon

Moh Gates[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root I-7 Ruby Raptor

Skittish Matamata

Bomb Ash
Durium Ore
Flint Stone
Iron Sand
Vanadium Ore
Simulacrum Segments

G-8 Scoriaceous Clot

Skittish Matamata

Morimar Basalt Fields[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Bedrock Crag F/G-6 Matamata

Snaggletooth Raptor

Alizarin Yggrete Shard I, II, IV
Flint Stone
Marble Nugget
Matamata Shell
Simulacrum Segments



I-8 Matamata

Snaggletooth Raptor

F-9 Basalt Lizard


F/G-9 Basalt Lizard


H-10 Basalt Lizard


G-11 Basalt Lizard


Cirdas Caverns[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root I-6 Acuex

Tooth Cave Tarantula(East)
Tormented Obdella(West)

Gold Ore
Mythril Ore
Orichalcum Ore
Scholar Stone
Silver Ore
Simulacrum Segments

F-8 Acuex

Oregorger Worm

L-8 Acuex(West)

Molten Clot(West)
Umbril Shadewarrior(East)

E-9 Acuex

Sordid Lizard

J-9 Acuex(North)

Frightful Funguar(South)
Slag Mandragora(North)

H-10 Putrid Funguar(North)

Pyre Bat(South)

Marjami Ravine[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Monolithic Boulder D-7 Gerent Apkallu

Preening Tulfaire

Darksteel Ore
Iron Sand
Titanium Ore
Velkk Mask
Velkk Necklace
Voay Staff -1
Wootz Ore
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

K-8 Embattled Roc

Resilient Colibri

F-9 Preening Tulfaire

Resilient Colibri

L-9 Precipice Vulture(North)

Preening Tulfaire
Resilient Colibri(South)

G-11 Precipice Vulture

Resilient Colibri

I-11 Gerent Apkallu

Embattled Roc

K-11 Precipice Vulture

Preening Tulfaire

Yorcia Weald[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Gnarled Rampart I-6 Rustled Panopt

Sloshmouth Snapweed

Arborfruit Seed
Arborscent Seed
Arrowwood Log
Dryad Root
Ebony Log
Herb Seeds
Lauan Log
Lesser Chigoe
Moko Grass
Petrified Log
Revival Root
Spider Web
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

G-7 Crabapple Treant

Soiled Funguar

H-10 Twitherym Windstorm

Uprooted Sapling

J-9 Furfluff Lapinion

Larkish Opo-opo

Dho Gates[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root H/I-7 Crevice Tarichuk

Velkk Manipulator(East)
Velkk Ravager(West)

Crab Shell
Gold Ore
Mythril Ore
Platinum Ore
Snowsteel Ore
Velkk Necklace
Simulacrum Segments

Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

J-9/10 Trogloptera

Velkk Punisher(North)
Velkk Vaticinator(South)

Woh Gates[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Knotted Root H-7 Draftrider Bat

Darksteel Ore
H-P Bayld
Iron Ore
Iron Sand
Tin Ore
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

H-9 Stonesoftener Acuex

Kamihr Drifts[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Icy Palisade F-7 Alpine Rabbit(East)

Pungent Ovim(West)
Territorial Lucerewe

Aht Urhgan Brass
Flint Stone
Gelid Aggregate
Gold Ore
H-P Bayld
Ice Ore
Silver Ore
Oversized Fang
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

H-8 Chilblain Snoll

Umberwood Tiger

I/J-9 Raptor Nightstalker

Sharptusk Raaz

H/I-10 Alpine Rabbit

Territorial Lucerewe

Outer Ra'Kaznar[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Amaranth Barrier F/G-6

Vengeful Shunned

Dullahan Armor
Gold Ore
High-purity Bayld
Iron Ore
Ra'Kaznar Ore
Simulacrum Segments


Vengeful Shunned


Vengeful Shunned


Vengeful Shunned

Ra'Kaznar Inner Court[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Heliotrope Barrier F-6

Indomitable Spurned

Information Needed


Indomitable Spurned


Indomitable Spurned


Indomitable Spurned

Lair Reive[edit]

Lair Reive

Adoulin's best defense is a strong offensive push in this type of battle, as pioneers work together to raze the broods that spawn Ulbuka's multifarious menaces.

In lair reives, players destroy the homes of hostile wildlife. The lairs are protected by at least two types of enemies, which defend their homes. Defeated enemies respawn periodically. The reive ends in success when the target lair is destroyed.

The following lair reives are known:

Ceizak Battlegrounds[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Wasp Nest H-6/7 Bounding Chapuli

Waggling Wasp

Arrowwood Log
Ash Log
Celadon Yggrete Shard I, III, IV, V
Celadon Yggrete Rock
Feyweald Log
Fruit Seeds
Grain Seeds
Herb Seeds
Lauan Log
Mahogany Log
Moko Grass
Revival Tree Root
Urunday Log
Vegetable Seeds
Wildgrass Seeds
Simulacrum Segments

J-6/7 Lightfoot Lapinion

Waggling Wasp

F-7 Floodplain Spider

Waggling Wasp

F-8/9 Prosperous Luckybug

Waggling Wasp

H-10/11 Molted Mantis

Waggling Wasp

Yahse Hunting Grounds[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Wasp Nest H/I-6 Cerise Wasp

Thrashing Mantis

Arrowwood Log
Celadon Yggrete Shard III, IV
Fruit Seeds
Grain Seeds
Lauan Log
Mahogany Log
Moko Grass
Revival Root
Wildgrass Seeds

J-6 Cerise Wasp

Temblor Beetle

F-7 Cerise Wasp

Shrubshredder Chapuli

F-8 Cerise Wasp

Quivering Twitherym

H/I-9 Cerise Wasp

Red Dropwing

Foret de Hennetiel[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Sere Stump I/J-7 Cinder Crab


Fresh Marjoram
Herb Seeds
Locust Elutriator
Saffron Blossom
Zaffre Yggrete
Zaffre Yggrete Shard I, II, III, IV, V

G-7/8 Blood Toad


F-8/9 Craklaw

Primrose Jagil

H-10 Craklaw

Wetlands Orobon

Morimar Basalt Fields[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Grimy Boulders F-6 Matamata

Snaggletooth Raptor

Alizarin Yggrete Shard II, III, IV, V
Flint Stone
Igneous Rock
Marble Nugget
Matamata Shell
Midrium Ore
Simulacrum Segments

G-7 Alpine Eft


I-7 Basalt Lizard


E-9 Matamata

Outlands Peiste

H-9 Matamata

Wivre Cragdweller

Cirdas Caverns[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Banespore I/J-5 Acuex

Gold Ore
Luminium Ore
Mythril Ore
Orichalcum Ore
Scholar Stone
Silver Ore
Simulacrum Segments

G-7 Acuex
I/J-10 Acuex
H-11 Acuex

Marjami Ravine[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Avian Roost C-7 Gorge Vulture

Undaunted Colibri

Darksteel Ore
Iron Sand
Titanium Ore
Velkk Mask
Velkk Necklace
Voay Staff -1
Wootz Ore
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

E-7 Foraging Apkallu

Trembling Tulfaire

I-8 Trembling Tulfaire

Undaunted Colibri

E-10 Trembling Tulfaire
J/K-12 Gorge Vulture

Trembling Tulfaire

Yorcia Weald[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Arboreal Bastion I-6 Tenacious Panopt

Tight-lipped Flytrap

Arborfruit Seed
Arborscent Seed
Arrowwood Log
Divine Log
Dryad Root
Ebony Log
Herb Seeds
Lauan Log
Moko Grass
Petrified Log
Spider Web
Simulacrum Segments

K-6 Loyal Snapweed

Tenacious Panopt

G-7 Furibund Rafflesia

Loyal Snapweed

K-9 Fervid Funguar

Tight-lipped Flytrap

J-11 Fervid Funguar

Furibund Rafflesia

Kamihr Drifts[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Wintry Cave H-6 Contumacious Ovim

Frostfang Tiger

Aht Urhgan Brass
Flint Stone
Gelid Aggregate
Ice Ore
Silver Ore
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes

H-7 Contumacious Ovim

Incensed Lucerewe

I-8 Famished Raaz

Frostfang Tiger

H-9/10 Incensed Lucerewe

Snowpaw Rabbit

I-11 Famished Raaz

Snowpaw Rabbit

Outer Ra'Kaznar[edit]

Lair Location Mobs Drops
Dimensional Tether H-6

Festering Umbril
Procrustean Draugar

Gold Ore
Iron Ore
Vanadium Ore
Simulacrum Segments
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes


Festering Umbril
Procrustean Draugar


Festering Umbril
Procrustean Draugar


Festering Umbril
Procrustean Draugar

Ra'Kaznar Inner Court[edit]

Obstacle Location Mobs Drops
Dimensional Tether E-5/6

Distraught Draugar
Wretched Umbril

Ra'kaznar Ore

Iron Ore



Simulacrum Segments

Level 99 J.S.E. Capes


Distraught Draugar
Wretched Umbril


Distraught Draugar
Wretched Umbril


Distraught Draugar
Wretched Umbril

Wildskeeper Reive[edit]

Wildskeeper Reive

Not much is known about Naakual behavior, but as is oft said, experience is the best teacher. Pioneers will be asked to search out these ferocious fiends and combat them in their natural habitats, which--though a huge disadvantage--makes the thrill of the hunt that much more intense.

Wildskeeper Reives involve challenging a Naakual, one of the seven area mega bosses in the East Ulbuka Territory. Anyone participating in a Wildskeeper Reive must have purchased the appropriate key item from Dimmian at (E-6) in Eastern Adoulin. Without the key item, it is impossible for players to access a Wildskeeper Reive even if it is already in progress. Currently, 6/7 Naakuals can be challenged, with more to be released in future updates.

As in other types of Reives, participants in Wildskeeper Reives do not need to be in the same alliance to participate.

Wildskeeper Reives respawn 1 hour after their last defeat.

Wildskeeper Reive Evaluations[edit]

  • Special rewards such as weapons, armor, accessories, job mantles/job accessories, and magic scrolls/materials are all separated into different drop slots.
  • Depending on your performance, you can earn points and increase your drop percentages for each respective slot. (The way drop percentages increase is different for each slot.)
  • You will still have a chance to receive drops even if you earned a low amount of points for a slot, but the drop percentage will be quite low as well. If you have no points earned in a slot, the drop percentage will be zero.
  • Because Naakual equipment is rare, if you receive the same piece of equipment that you already have, you will not receive a reward for that specific slot. Due to this, the drop rate might feel lower as you earn more equipment.


Name Family Companions Spawn Information Zone Notable Drops
Achuka Gabbraths Snaggletooth Raptor


Outlands Peiste
Accessed using Key ItemMagma mitigation set purchased from Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (F-6) for 3,000 bayld. Respawns 3 hours after last death. Morimar Basalt Fields

Aqreqaq Bomblet
Cuamiz Collar
Otomi Gloves
Otomi Helm
Quauhpilli Gloves
Quauhpilli Helm
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes
Key ItemAged Firebrand Naakual crest

Colkhab Bztavians Bounding Chapuli

Rapier Hornet

Waggling Wasp
Accessed using Key ItemBrier-proof net purchased from Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (F-6) for 3,000 bayld. Respawns 3 hours after last death. Ceizak Battlegrounds

Huani Collar
Kaabnax Hat
Kaabnax Trousers
Xux Hat
Xux Trousers
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes
Key ItemAged Matriarch Naakual crest

Hurkan Waktza Breezewing Vulture

Stonefaced Roc

Ironclaw Tulfaire
Accessed using Key ItemInsulator tablet purchased from Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (F-6) for 3,000 bayld. Respawns 3 hours after last death. Marjami Ravine

Uk'uxkaj Cap
Uk'uxkaj Boots
Tzacab Grip
Animikii Bullet
Jaq'ij Sash
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes
Key ItemAged Booming Naakual crest

Tchakka Rockfins Craklaw

Primrose Jagil

Wetlands Orobon
Accessed using Key ItemCompass of transference purchased from Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (F-6) for 3,000 bayld. Respawns 3 hours after last death. Foret de Hennetiel

Aqreaqa Bomblet
Cho'j Band
Chocaliztli Boots
Chocaliztli Mask
Ejekamal Mask
Suijingiri Kanemitsu
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes
Key ItemAged Riptide Naakual crest

Yumcax Yggdreants Yumcax's Maw

Yumcax's Watchman
Accessed using Key ItemResurrection retardant axe purchased from Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (F-6) for 3,000 bayld. Respawns 3 hours after last death. Yorcia Weald

Buremte Gloves
Buremte Hat
Chuq'aba Belt
Iximulew Cape
Ocachi Gorget
Pahtli Cape
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes
Key ItemAged Ligneous Naakual crest

Kumhau Cehuetzi Kumhau's Claw

Kumhau's Fleshrender

Kumhau's Hoof
Accessed using Key ItemAnti-glaciation gear, Purchased from Dimmian in Eastern Adoulin (F-6) for 3,000 bayld. Respawns 3 hoursVerification Needed after last death. Kamihr Drifts

Baqil Staff
Quiahuiz Helm
Quiahuiz Leggings
Friomisi Earring
Bane Cape
Cetl Belt
Yokaze Mantle
Level 99 J.S.E. Capes
Key ItemAged Flashfrost Naakual crest



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