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Great Katana
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Katana are single-handed, low-delay, low-to-average damage weapons wielded exclusively by Ninja. Generally, a katana will do more damage than a dagger, but hit more often than a sword. Some katana include stat boosts, everything from stats, to increasing the damage of ninjutsu magic, to the Ninja's attacking power, to their defensive strength. One katana even offers a bonus to cooking skill.

Katana come into the spotlight once their user begins to get stronger forms of the Dual Wield trait - since katana already have low delay and good damage considering their delay, when as much as 60% of the delay of the weapons gets removed from natural job traits and equipment, the Ninja's damage-over-time tends to reach very high levels.

Job Ratings[edit]

Job Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 49 Cap at Level 99
Ninja A+ 6 150 424

Equipment that Enhance this Skill[edit]

Name Lvl Slot Effects Jobs
Tjukurrpa Ring 94 Ring DEX +5, Katana Skill +5, Axe skill +5 All Jobs
Hope Torque 73 Neck AGI +5, Katana Skill +7, Archery Skill +7 All Jobs
Kanja Hachimaki 78 Head DEF: 12, Resist Vs. Wind +10, Accuracy +12, Katana Skill +5, Conserve TP +5 All Jobs
Iga Hakama +1 83 Legs DEF: 46, Accuracy +6, Haste +6% Katana Skill +3, Augments Yonin Effect NIN
Iga Hakama +2 83 Legs DEF: 48, Accuracy +8, Haste +7% Katana Skill +5, Augments Yonin Effect, Set: Augments Dual Wield NIN

Weapon Skills[edit]

Name Skill Level Info Modifiers Skillchain Propreties
Blade: Rin 5 Deals critical damage. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR:60% DEX:60% Transfixion-Icon.gifTransfixion
Blade: Retsu 30 Delivers a twofold attack that paralyzes target. Duration of paralysis varies with TP. STR:20% DEX:60% Scission-Icon.gifScission
Blade: Teki 70 Deals water elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:30% INT:30% Reverberation-Icon.gifReverberation
Blade: To 100 Deals ice elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:40% INT:40% Induration-Icon.gifInduration
Blade: Chi 150 Delivers a twofold attack that deals earth elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:30% INT:30% Impaction-Icon.gifImpaction
Blade: Ei 175 Deals darkness elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:40% INT:40% Compression-Icon.gifCompression
Blade: Jin 200 Delivers a threefold attack. Chance of critical hit varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:30% DEX:30% Detonation-Icon.gifDetonation
Blade: Ten 225 Damage varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:30% DEX:30% Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation
Blade: Ku 250
Delivers a fivefold attack. Accuracy varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:30% DEX:30% Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation
Blade: Yu 290 Delivers water elemental Damage. Additional effect: Poison. Duration of effect varies with TP. DEX:40% INT:40% Reverberation-Icon.gifReverberation
Blade: Shun 357
Delivers a fivefold attack. Attack power varies with TP. DEX:73% / 76% / 79% / 82% / 85% Fusion-Icon.gifFusion
Blade: Metsu Relic Yoshimitsu/Kikoku: Subtle Blow +10. Aftermath duration varies with TP.
Must have Yoshimitsu, Kikoku, or Sekirei equipped.
DEX:80% Dark-Icon.gifDarkness
Blade: Hi Empyrean Deals quadruple damage. Chance of critical hit varies with TP.
Kannagi: Occasionally deals double damage. Aftermath duration varies with TP.
Ninja only.
AGI:80% Dark-Icon.gifDarkness
Blade: Kamu Mythic Lowers target's accuracy. Duration of effect varies with TP.
Nagi: Aftermath effect varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:60% INT:60% Fragmentation-Icon.gifFragmentation

Katana by Level[edit]

Name Lvl Dam Del DPS Effects Jobs Evolith
Trainee Burin RareExclusive 1 1 190 0.32 Latent effect: Goldsmithing skill +1 All
Kunai 1 4 190 1.26 NIN
Kunai +1 1 5 185 1.62 NIN
Wakizashi 7 8 227 2.11 NIN
Wakizashi +1 7 9 222 2.43 NIN
Kyofu 13 11 227 2.91 Additional Effect with Wind Fan: Wind Damage NIN
Kyofu +1 13 12 222 3.24 Additional Effect with Wind Fan: Wind Damage NIN
Shinobi-gatana 13 11 227 2.91 NIN
Shinobi-gatana +1 13 12 222 3.24 NIN
Gassan RareExclusive 15 12 227 3.17 AGI +1 NIN
Mokuto 16 11 232 2.84 Additional Effect: Silence NIN
Mokuto +1 16 12 227 3.17 Additional Effect: Silence NIN
Seito 16 11 232 2.84 Additional Effect: Silence, Enchantment: Ensilence , <15/15 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]> NIN
Suzume 19 11 190 3.47 NIN XEks.gif
Ganko 20 12 227 3.17 NIN XEks.gif
Hibari 24 13 190 4.11 NIN
Hibari +1 24 14 185 4.54 NIN
Busuto 26 16 232 4.14 Additional Effect: Poison NIN
Busuto +1 26 17 227 4.49 Additional Effect: Poison NIN
Fukuro 28 15 190 4.74 STR +1, AGI +1 NIN
Nikkariaoe Rare 30 19 232 4.91 Spell Interruption Rate -25% NIN
Kodachi 32 19 227 5.02 NIN DiamondFilledLightningLightLightning LightningLight LightShape FilledDiamond.gif3
Kodachi +1 32 20 222 5.41 NIN DiamondFilledLightningLightLightning LightningLight LightShape FilledDiamond.gif4
Reppu 32 19 227 5.02 Additional Effect with Wind Fan: Wind Damage NIN
Reppu +1 32 20 222 5.41 Additional Effect with Wind Fan: Wind Damage NIN
Midare 36 20 227 5.29 Evasion +1 NIN
Midare +1 36 21 222 5.68 Evasion +2 NIN
Niokiyotsuna RareExclusive 38 19 227 5.02 Double Attack +1% NIN
Ohaguro Rare 39 20 195 6.15 STR +1, DEX +1 NIN
Anju RareExclusive 40 21 216 5.83 STR -1, DEX +2 NIN
Zushio RareExclusive 40 23 238 5.80 STR +2, DEX -1 NIN
Bokuto 41 23 232 5.95 Additional Effect: Blindness NIN
Bokuto +1 41 24 227 6.34 Additional Effect: Blindness NIN
Hanafubuki 43 24 227 6.34 Enchantment: TP +10 NIN
Sakurafubuki 43 24 227 6.34 NIN
Sakurafubuki +1 43 25 222 6.76 NIN
Melt Katana 46 25 232 6.47 Additional Effect: Weakens Defense, Enchantment: Weakens Defense , <15/15 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]> NIN
Yoto 46 25 232 6.47 Additional Effect: Weakens Defense NIN
Yoto +1 46 26 227 6.87 Additional Effect: Weakens Defense NIN
Hien 47 21 190 6.63 NIN
Hien +1 47 22 185 7.14 NIN
Sai 48 28 242 6.94 Parrying Skill +3 NIN
Sai +1 48 29 234 7.44 Parrying Skill +5 NIN Fire FireLight LightTriangleDownFilledShape FilledTriangleDown.gif5
Buboso Rare 50 25 190 7.89 STR +2, DEX +2, AGI +2 NIN
Kageboshi 50 24 190 7.58 Additional Effect: Bind NIN
Tsugumi RareExclusive 50 19 160 7.13 Accuracy +1 NIN
Shinogi 52 28 227 7.40 DEX +3 NIN
Keppu 54 26 227 6.87 Additional Effect with Wind Fan: Wind Damage NIN
Keppu +1 54 27 222 7.30 Additional Effect with Wind Fan: Wind Damage NIN
Muketsu 54 26 227 6.87 Additional Effect: HP Drain NIN
Muketsu +1 54 27 222 7.30 Additional Effect: HP Drain NIN
Hototogisu RareExclusive 55 24 185 7.78 Accuracy +3, Latent Effect: Parrying Skill +5 NIN
Hocho Rare 57 30 227 7.93 Cooking Skill +3 NIN
Rusty Kunai 60 20 190 6.32 NIN
Sairen Rare 60 31 238 7.82 STR +3, Darksday: STR +7, Darksday: Enmity +1 NIN
Kabutowari 61 30 227 7.93 NIN
Kabutowari +1 61 31 222 8.38 NIN
Kogitsunemaru Rare 62 34 227 8.98 Additional Effect Vs. Vermin: HP Drain NIN
Kitsutsuki RareExclusive 64 26 185 8.43 Additional Effect vs Plantoids: Critical Hit Rate +5% NIN
Kororito 66 33 232 8.53 Additional Effect: Poison NIN
Kororito +1 66 35 227 9.25 Additional Effect: Poison NIN
Imanotsurugi Rare 67 35 227 9.25 Enmity +2 NIN
Amanojaku RareExclusive 68 29 221 7.87 Accuracy -1 NIN
Yagentoshiro Rare 69 34 222 9.19 Enhances ninjutsu damage

Set: Increases Evasion and HP recovered while healing Reduces Enmity

Osoraku Rare 69 37 227 9.78 DEF +10

Set: Increases HP, VIT, Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy

Fudo 70 39 227 10.31 Critical Hit Rate +3% NIN
Karasuageha RareExclusive 70 29 190 9.16 Assault: DMG: 33, "Subtle Blow" +1 NIN
Ryumon RareExclusive 70 38 227 10.04 Latent Effect: Attack Bonus NIN
Fuchingiri RareExclusive 71 38 223 10.22 Enmity -5 NIN
Hayabusa 71 28 190 8.84 Subtle Blow +1 NIN
Hayabusa +1 71 29 185 9.41 Subtle Blow +2 NIN
Kodachi of Trials RareExclusive 71 33 227 8.72 Latent Effect: HP +20, Latent Effect: Resist Vs. Fire +10, Latent Effect: Resist Vs. Light +10 NIN
Sayosamonji RareExclusive 71 37 227 9.78 Depending On Day: Increases Elemental Weapon Skill Damage NIN
Unsho Rare 71 31 201 9.25 STR +3, DEX +3, VIT -1, Subtle Blow +1 NIN
Mamushito 72 37 232 9.57 Additional Effect: Stun NIN
Mamushito +1 72 38 227 10.04 Additional Effect: Stun NIN
Onishibari RareExclusive 72 28 185 9.08 Enhances "Beast Killer" effect, Vs. beasts: Critical hit rate +7% NIN
Senjuinrikio RareExclusive 72 25 227 10.04/6.61 Latent Effect: DMG: 38, Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6% NIN
Shamo 72 33 232 8.53 TP Bonus NIN
Shusui Rare 72 37 227 9.78 HP -20, DEX +3, Accuracy +5, Subtle Blow +2 NIN
Unji Rare 72 32 201 9.55 STR +2, DEX +4, AGI -1, Subtle Blow +1 NIN
Hirenjaku 73 37 227 9.78 Accuracy +2, Magic Accuracy +2 NIN
Hirenjaku +1 73 38 222 10.27 Accuracy +3, Magic Accuracy +3 NIN
Izayoi 73 37 232 9.57 Attack +3 NIN
Izayoi +1 73 38 227 10.04 Attack +5 NIN
Musanto RareExclusive 73 37 222 10.00 NIN
Oninohocho RareExclusive 73 30 227 7.93 HP +20, Evasion +4, Enmity +2 NIN
Perdu Blade RareExclusive 73 27 190 10.10/8.53 Latent Effect: DMG: 32, Hidden Effect: Attack +10, Accuracy +5 NIN
Shiranui RareExclusive 73 37 227 9.78 Evasion +3, Additional Effect: Light Damage NIN
Tojaku 73 37 227 9.78 Accuracy +2, Magic Accuracy +2, Enchantment: Stone , <50/50 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]> NIN
Kugui 74 39 242 9.67 STR +2, Parrying Skill +1 NIN
Narigitsune RareExclusive 74 38 227 10.04 Evasion +5
Magic Damage Taken -5%
Otori 74 39 242 9.67 AGI +2, Parrying Skill +4 NIN
Rai Kunimitsu 74 34 227 8.99 Critical Hit Rate +5%, Firesday: Resist Vs. Fire +15, Firesday: DMG: 41 NIN
Mozu RareExclusiveAugment 75 36 227 9.51 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
IsatuRareExclusiveAugment 75 21 222 5.67 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Kuina RareExclusiveAugment 75 27 227 7.13 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Kibashiri RareExclusiveAugment 75 25 227 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Ihintanto RareExclusive 75 1 999 0.06 NIN
Mimizuku RareExclusive 75 1 227 0.26 Dynamis: DMG: 33, Resist Vs. Dark +7 NIN
Rogetsu RareExclusive 75 33 227 8.72 Dynamis: DMG: 40, Resist Vs. Dark +9 NIN
Yoshimitsu RareExclusive 75 42 227 11.10 Dynamis: "Blade: Metsu" NIN
Kikoku RareExclusive 75 42 210 12.00 Attack +20, "Blade: Metsu", Additional Effect: Paralysis NIN
Sasuke Katana RareExclusive 75 33 227 8.7 NIN
Tsukumo 75 23 190 8.53/7.26 Main hand: DMG:27 NIN
Nagi RareExclusive 75 37 227 9.78 Magic Accuracy+10, Enmity+10, Augments "Mijin Gakure", "Blade: Kamu", Aftermath: Increases Acc./Atk., Occasionally attacks twice NIN
Kakko 77 41 227 10.83 STR +3, AGI +3 NIN
Kakko +1 77 41 222 11.08 STR +4, AGI +4 NIN
Enchu RareExclusiveAugment 80 23 242 13.02 / 9.31 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Hiwa 80 32 190 10.11 NIN
Hochomasamune RareExclusive 80 45 222 12.16 DEX +10, Enhances "Fast Cast" effect NIN
Kannagi RareExclusive 80 47 210 13.42 NIN
Kikoku (80) RareExclusive 80 48 210 13.71 Attack +25, "Blade: Metsu", Additional Effect: Paralysis NIN
Nagi (80) RareExclusive 80 45 227 11.89 Magic Accuracy+15, Enmity+15, Augments "Mijin Gakure", "Blade: Kamu", Aftermath: Increases Acc./Atk., Occasionally attacks twice NIN
Sekka ExclusiveAugment 80 40 201 12 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Tobi RareExclusiveAugment 80 47 227 12.42 NIN
Uzura RareExclusiveAugment 80 32 216 10.11 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Toki RareExclusive 82 35 210 10.00 Accuracy +7, Magnus stone equipped: Occ. deals double damage NIN
Aizenkunitoshi Rare 83 43 227 11.40 Increases Weapon Skill Damage NIN
Kamome RareExclusive 84 39 180 13.00 Attack +8, Accuracy +8, Increases Critical Hit Damage NIN
Enchu +1 RareExclusiveAugment 85 25 232 Varies Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Kannagi (85) RareExclusive 85 52 210 14.90 AGI +10, "Blade: Hi", Aftermath: Occasionally Deals Double Damage NIN
Kikoku (85) RareExclusive 85 53 210 15.10 Attack +30, "Blade: Metsu", Additional Effect: Paralysis NIN
Nagi (85) RareExclusive 85 51 227 13.50 Magic Accuracy +20, Enmity +20, Augments "Mijin Gakure", "Blade: Kamu", Aftermath: Increases Acc./Atk., Occasionally attacks twice NIN
Sekirei RareExclusive 85 46 210 13.10 "Blade: Metsu" NIN
Sekka +1 ExclusiveAugment 85 43 201 12.80 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Tobi +1 RareExclusiveAugment 85 50 227 13.20 "Blade: Hi" NIN
Uzura +1 RareExclusiveAugment 85 45 216 12.50 Additional stats added with Trial of the Magians NIN
Oirandori RareExclusive 89 44 190 13.89 Ninja Tool Expertise, Additional Effect: Lowers Enemy Critical Hit Evasion NIN
Kogara RareExclusive 90 40 190 12.63 HP +10, AGI +3 NIN
Arisui AugmentExclusive 99 50 201 14.93 Elementals Katana Trials NIN
Enju 99 55 227 14.54 STR +6 DEX +5 Attack +10 Subtle Blow +4 NIN
Enju +1 99 56 222 15.14 STR +7 DEX +6 Attack +11 Subtle Blow +5 NIN
This article uses material from the "Category:Katana" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.

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