The element of Dark opposes the element of Light.
More maledictions are associated with the Darkness element than any other element. Low resistance to Darkness increases susceptibility to Curse, Blindness, Sleep, and Bio, as well as Darkness damage.
Associated with Compression, Gravitation, and Dark skillchains. Governed by the celestial avatar Odin and the terrestrial avatars Fenrir and Diabolos.
Spells Associated with this Element[edit]
- Absorb line of spells
- Aspir/Aspir II
- Bio line of spells
- Blind/Blindga
- Blood Drain*
- Blood Saber*
- Comet
- Dark Orb*
- Death Ray*
- Digest*
- Dispel/Dispelga
- Drain/Drain II
- Dream Flower*
- Dread Spikes
- Escape
- Endark
- Enervation*
- Everyone's Grudge*
- Eyes On Me*
- Geist Wall*
- Impact
- Jettatura*
- Kaustra
- Klimaform
- Kurayami: Ichi/Kurayami: Ni
- Light Carol
- Light Threnody
- Mortal Ray*
- MP Drainkiss*
- Noctohelix
- Osmosis*
- Retrace
- Sandspray*
- Sleep/Sleepga lines of spells
- Soporific*
- Tractor
- Voidstorm
- Warp/Warp II
- Yurin: Ichi
* Requires Burst Affinity to be in effect in order to magic burst.
This article uses material from the "Darkness" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.