Kurayami: Ni


Uses the ninja tool, "Sairui-Ran". Blinds an enemy.


Spell cost: Sairui-Ran
Spell element: Dark
Magic skill: Ninjutsu


Casting Time: 1.5 seconds
Recast Time: 45 seconds


Lowers an enemy's accuracy by 30.

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: 1,530~1,537 gil

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Ninjutsu ( )

Dropped From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Tonberry Cutter 51-59 Temple of Uggalepih
Tonberry Chopper 61-63 Yhoator Jungle
Tonberry Stabber 61-67 Temple of Uggalepih
Yagudo Assassin 64-72 Castle Oztroja
Cryptonberry Cutter 53-59 Pso'Xja
Sozu Sarberry (NM) 66 Temple of Uggalepih
Tonberry Decapitator (NM) 72-74 Den of Rancor


Kurayami means "darkness." Sairui-Ran roughly translates as "eggshell bomb." A sairuidan is a teargas bomb, and ran is an egg, so a sairui-ran would be an eggshell filled with teargas.

v  d  e
Magic of Vana'diel: Ninjutsu

Aisha: Ichi — Dokumori: Ichi — Hojo: Ichi • Ni — Jubaku: Ichi — Kurayami: Ichi • Ni — Yurin: Ichi
Doton: Ichi • Ni • San — Huton: Ichi • Ni • San — Hyoton: Ichi • Ni • San — Katon: Ichi • Ni • San — Raiton: Ichi • Ni • San — Suiton: Ichi • Ni • San
Gekka: Ichi — Kakka: Ichi — Migawari: Ichi — Monomi: Ichi — Myoshu: Ichi — Tonko: Ichi • Ni — Utsusemi: Ichi • Ni • San — Yain: Ichi
Unavailable to players:
Dokumori: Ni — Jubaku: Ni

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning

This article uses material from the "Kurayami:_Ni" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.