Dokumori: Ichi

Dokumori: Ichi

Uses the ninja tool, "Kodoku". Poisons an enemy.


Spell cost: Kodoku
Spell element: Water
Magic skill: Ninjutsu


Casting Time: 4 seconds
Recast Time: 30 seconds

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: 251~265 gil

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Ninjutsu ( )

Quest: Like Shining Leggings

Macro Syntax[edit]

  • /ma "Dokumori: Ichi" <t>
  • /nin "Dokumori: Ichi" <t>


毒盛の術 (Dokumori no jutsu) Doku means poison, and mori means a serving of (food). 

The tool used, 蠱毒(kodoku), is a fabled poison from tribes of southern China. It is said to be created by putting 100 poisonous creatures, such as centipede, spider, toad, scorpion, and snake into a sealed container and bury it in dirt, allowing the creatures to devour each other. The last creature that remain is said to contain the combined poison from all the other poisonous creatures, and is then used to make the kodoku.

It is usually delivered hidden in the food to the victims.

v  d  e
Magic of Vana'diel: Ninjutsu

Aisha: Ichi — Dokumori: Ichi — Hojo: Ichi • Ni — Jubaku: Ichi — Kurayami: Ichi • Ni — Yurin: Ichi
Doton: Ichi • Ni • San — Huton: Ichi • Ni • San — Hyoton: Ichi • Ni • San — Katon: Ichi • Ni • San — Raiton: Ichi • Ni • San — Suiton: Ichi • Ni • San
Gekka: Ichi — Kakka: Ichi — Migawari: Ichi — Monomi: Ichi — Myoshu: Ichi — Tonko: Ichi • Ni — Utsusemi: Ichi • Ni • San — Yain: Ichi
Unavailable to players:
Dokumori: Ni — Jubaku: Ni

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning

This article uses material from the "Dokumori:_Ichi" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.