Blind (Status Effect)
Blind is a harmful status effect that obscures the player's nearsight until it wears off or is removed. Afflicted characters experience reduced melee accuracy while under its effect.
How to remove the effect[edit]
- The White Magic spell Blindna will remove this effect.
- The White Magic spell Esuna will remove this effect if the casting White Mage is currently afflicted with Blind.
- Using a vial of Eye Drops will remove this effect.
- The Monk ability Chakra will remove this effect.
- The Summoner blood pact Spring Water will remove this effect.
- The Dragoon Wyvern ability Remove Blind will remove this effect.
- The White Magic spell Flash and Monster abilities that inflict Flash require Erase or Healing Waltz for removal, although usually this wears very quickly, not needing removal.
How the effect is inflicted[edit]
- Blind Ring
- Blinding Potion (Self)
- Kawahori Kabuto (Self)
- Black Magic - Blind, Blind II, Blindga
- Ninjutsu - Kurayami: Ichi, Kurayami: Ni
- White Magic - Flash
- Blue Magic - Light of Penance, Hecatomb Wave, Bad Breath, Auroral Drape
Blood Pact[edit]
- Apocalypse
- Blind Bolt
- Blind Dagger / Blind Dagger +1
- Blind Knife / Blind Knife +1
- Bokuto / Bokuto +1
Weapon Skills[edit]
Monster Abilities[edit]
- Ahriman - Blindeye
- Antica - Sandstorm
- Antlions - Sandblast
- Bahamut - Impulsion
- Doomed - Abyss Blast
- Euvhi - Efflorescent Foetor
- Funguars - Dark Spore
- Ghost - Dark Sphere
- Gurfurlur the Menacing - Pleiades Ray
- Hounds - Shadow Claw
- Kindred - Hecatomb Wave
- Leeches - Sand Breath
- Manticores - Great Sandstorm
- Moblins - Smokebomb
- Morbols - Bad Breath
- Opo-opo - Eye Scratch
- Orcish Warmachines - Tear Grenade
- Proto-Omega - Floodlight
- Qiqirn - Sandspray
- Rabbits - Dust Cloud
- Rocs - Scratch, Blind Vortex
- Sandworms - Aeolian Void
- Sea Monks - Ink Jet
- Skeletons - Black Cloud
- Soulflayer - Tribulation
- Tenzen - Amatsu: Yukiarashi
- Tonberries - Light of Penance
- Treants - Drill Branch
- Wamoura - Thermal Pulse
- Wyrms - Hurricane Wing, Typhoon Wing
- Worms - Sandspin
- Xzomit - Ink Cloud
This article uses material from the "Blind_(Status_Effect)" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.