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Great Swords
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Scythes are two-handed weapons, and are the primary weapon of the Dark Knight. Beastmaster, and Warrior. Black Mage are also able to use scythes, though they typically favor other weapons.

Scythes are a high damage and high delay two-handed weapon, and focus primarily on damage output over enfeebling weaponskills or additional effects. Early on, a scythe wielder may find themselves hindered in making popular skillchains, so it is often recommended that scythe users carry a second weapon in case a certain skillchain is required. Dark Knights will frequently use a Great Sword for this purpose although Great Axe offers the most powerful weapon skill in lower levels.

The scythe's weaponskills are usually single or double hit attacks, although the infamous weaponskills Guillotine and Insurgency are 4-hit attacks. The single hit weaponskills generally have more reliable, although lower average, damage than multi-hit skills, but will benefit greatly from abilities such as Sneak Attack. When using Guillotine or Insurgency, however, it is important to remember that how many hits connecting determines a majority of the damage, so as with all multi-hit weaponskills, accuracy is paramount.

Job Ratings[edit]

Job Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 49 Cap at Level 99
Dark Knight A+ 6 150 424
Warrior B+ 5 144 404
Beastmaster B- 5 144 388
Black Mage E 4 124 300

Equipment that Enhances this Skill[edit]

Name Lvl Slot Effects Jobs
Scythe Belt Rare 30 Waist Latent Effect: Scythe Skill +5 All Jobs
Abyssal Earring RareExclusive 72 Ear INT +2, Scythe Skill +5, Dark Magic Skill +5 All Jobs
Justice Torque RareExclusive 73 Neck STR +5, Scythe Skill +7, Great Katana Skill +7 All Jobs
Rekka Hachimaki RareExclusive 78 Head Resist Vs. Fire+10, Accuracy +12, Scythe Skill +5, Conserve TP +5 All Jobs
Bale Burgeonet +2 RareExclusive 85 Head STR +7, DEX +7, Scythe Skill +7, Double Attack +3%, Haste +6%, Set: Attack occasionally varies with HP DRK
Uther's Grip RareExclusive 90 Grips STR +4, Great Axe Skill +4, Scythe Skill +4 All Jobs

Weapon Skills[edit]

Name Skill Level Info Modifiers Skillchain Propreties
Slice 5 Damage varies with TP. STR:100% Scission-Icon.gifScission
Dark Harvest 30 Deals darkness elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:40% INT:40% Reverberation-Icon.gifReverberation
Shadow of Death 70 Deals darkness elemental damage. Damage varies with TP.
Main or sub must be Warrior or Dark Knight.
STR:40% INT:40% Induration-Icon.gifInduration
Nightmare Scythe 100 Blinds enemy. Duration of blindness varies with TP. STR:60% MND:60% Compression-Icon.gifCompression
Spinning Scythe 125 Delivers an area attack. Radius varies with TP STR:100% Reverberation-Icon.gifReverberation
Vorpal Scythe 150 Deals critical damage. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR:100% Transfixion-Icon.gifTransfixion
Guillotine 200 Delivers a fourfold attack that silences target. Duration of silence varies with TP.
Dark Knight only.
STR:30% MND:50% Induration-Icon.gifInduration
Cross Reaper 225 Delivers a twofold attack. Damage varies with TP.
Dark Knight only.
STR:60% MND:60% Distortion-Icon.gifDistortion
Spiral Hell 240
Damage varies with TP.
Warrior, Dark Knight or Beastmaster only.
STR:50% INT:50% Distortion-Icon.gifDistortion
Infernal Scythe 300 Deals darkness elemental damage. Additional effect: Lowers target's attack. Duration of effect varies with TP.
Main or sub must be Warrior or Dark Knight.
STR:30% INT:70% Compression-Icon.gifCompression
Entropy 357
Delivers a fourfold attack that converts damage dealt into own MP. Damage varies with TP.
Warrior, Dark Knight or Beastmaster only.
INT:73% / 76% / 79% / 82% / 85% Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation
Catastrophe Relic Converts damage dealt into own HP.
Bec de Faucon/Apocalypse: Haste +10%. Aftermath duration varies with TP.
Must have Bec de Faucon, Apocalypse or Crisis Scythe equipped.
STR:40% INT:40% Dark-Icon.gifDarkness
Quietus Empyrean Delivers a triple damage attack that ignores target's defense. Amount ignored varies with TP.
Redemption: Occasionally deals double damage. Aftermath duration varies with TP.
Dark Knight only.
STR:60% MND:60% Dark-Icon.gifDarkness
Insurgency Mythic Delivers a fourfold attack. Damage varies with TP.
Liberator: Aftermath effect varies with TP.
Dark Knight only.
STR:20% INT:20% Fusion-Icon.gifFusion

Scythes by Level[edit]

Name Lvl Dam Del DPS Effects Jobs Evolith
Bronze Zaghnal 1 14 480 1.75 WAR/DRK/BST
Bronze Zaghnal +1 1 15 470 1.91 WAR/DRK/BST
Hoe 1 1 999 (low) Resist Vs. Earth+3 ALL JOBS
Brass Zaghnal 10 25 480 3.12 WAR/DRK/BST
Brass Zaghnal +1 10 26 470 3.32 WAR/DRK/BST
Keen Zaghnal 10 25 480 3.12 Enchantment: Accuracy +3 , <50/50 0:30/[30:00, 0:30]> WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Legionnaire's Scythe 10 27 495 3.27 STR +2, VIT -1 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Serpette 12 32 528 3.64 DRK
Serpette +1 12 33 513 3.86 DRK
Plantreaper 14 30 480 3.75 Additional Effect vs Plantoids: Bind WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Bastokan Scythe 15 28 480 3.50 MP +4, STR +2, VIT -1 WAR/DRK/BST
Republic Scythe 15 29 465 3.74 MP +6, STR +2, VIT -1 WAR/DRK/BST
Lucent Scythe 18 38 528 4.32 Enchantment: Delay: 475 , <50/50 0:30/[30:00, 0:30]> DRK XEks.gif
Scythe 18 38 528 4.32 DRK
Scythe +1 18 39 513 4.56 DRK
Cruel Scythe Rare 20 40 513 4.68 INT +2, Mind -2, Resist Vs. Light -2, Resist Vs. Dark +2, Additional Effect: Impairs Evasion DRK XEks.gif
Platoon Zaghnal 20 34 470 4.34 WAR/DRK/BST/RUN XEks.gif
Zaghnal 20 35 480 4.38 WAR/DRK/BST
Zaghnal +1 20 36 470 4.60 WAR/DRK/BST
Webcutter RareExclusive 24 40 480 5.00 Enhances Resist Slow Effect, Additional Effect vs Vermin: Stun WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Frostreaper 27 42 480 5.25 Resist Vs. Ice +6, Additional Effect: Ice Damage WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Mercenary Captain's Scythe 30 51 528 5.80 DRK XEks.gif
Federation Scythe 34 53 498 6.39 Outside of Nation Controlled Area: MP +12 DRK XEks.gif
Windurstian Scythe 34 52 513 6.08 Outside of Nation Controlled Area: MP +10 DRK XEks.gif
Harvester 37 53 480 6.62 Additional Effect vs Plantoids: Weight WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Beluga RareExclusive 40 63 501 7.54 HP +12 MP +12 Additional Effect: Water damage WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Mutilator Rare 40 62 502 7.41 Accuracy +3 DRK XEks.gif
Mythril Scythe 40 64 528 7.27 DRK
Mythril Scythe +1 40 65 513 7.60 DRK
Mythril Zaghnal 42 58 480 7.25 WAR/DRK/BST TriangleDownFilledLightDarkLight LightDark DarkShape FilledTriangleDown.gif4
Mythril Zaghnal +1 42 59 466 7.60 WAR/DRK/BST TriangleDownFilledLightDarkLight LightDark DarkShape FilledTriangleDown.gifInformation Needed
Raven Scythe RareExclusive 43 68 528 7.73 STR +2, INT +2 DRK XEks.gif
Antlion Sickle 46 68 490 8.33 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST TriangleDownFilledLightDarkLight LightDark DarkShape FilledTriangleDown.gifInformation Needed
Jet Sickle 46 67 501 7.98 Enchantment: TP +10 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Mandibular Sickle 46 67 501 7.98 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST TriangleDownFilledLightDarkLight LightDark DarkShape FilledTriangleDown.gif4
Falcastra 47 66 466 8.50 DEX +4, AGI -4 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Barbarian's Scythe 49 76 528 8.64 Accuracy -5, Attack +25 DRK XEks.gif
Bone Scythe 53 78 502 9.32 DRK
Bone Scythe +1 53 79 489 9.69 DRK
Smiting Scythe 54 81 528 9.20 "Weapon Bash" +8 DRK
Smiting Scythe +1 54 82 513 9.59 "Weapon Bash" +10 DRK
Demonslicer 55 74 480 9.25 Resist Vs. Dark +12, Additional Effect: Darkness Damage WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Ivory Sickle 57 80 501 9.58 INT +1, Convert HP to MP +10 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST
Ivory Sickle +1 57 81 490 9.92 INT +2, Convert HP to MP +15 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST
Vassago's Scythe Rare 58 84 528 9.55 HP -5%, Accuracy +5 DRK XEks.gif
A l'Outrance RareExclusive 62 76 480 9.50 Additional Effect vs Beasts: Darkness Damage WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Darksteel Scythe 65 89 528 10.11 DRK
Darksteel Scythe +1 65 90 513 10.53 DRK
Ascention RareExclusive 67 79 480 9.88 Resist Vs. Fire +8, Resist Vs. Light +8, Additional Effect vs Undead: Fire Damage WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Blackjack 69 90 501 10.78 MP +20, INT +4, Dark Magic Skill +5 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Faucheuse Rare 69 87 480 10.88 Physical damage taken -5%, Set: Increases Evasion, HP recovered while healing, Reduces Enmity WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Vendetta Rare 69 97 528 11.02 Enhances "Beast Killer" effect, Set: Increases STR, Attack, Ranged Attack, Magic Atk. Bonus DRK XEks.gif
Goshisho's Scythe 70 80 480 10.00 Additional Effect vs Undead: Accuracy +7 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Havoc Scythe Rare 70 91 513 10.64 STR +2, VIT -2, INT +4, Additional Effect: MP Drain DRK XEks.gif
King Maker Rare 70 85 480 10.62 MP +20, CHR +5 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Moliones's Sickle Rare 70 95 501 11.38 STR +3, Set: Increases Accuracy, Enhances "Souleater" effect DRK XEks.gif
Naigama 70 85 501 10.18 Additional Effect: MP Drain WAR/BLM/DRK/BST
Naigama +1 70 86 490 10.53 Additional Effect: MP Drain WAR/BLM/DRK/BST
Volunteer's Scythe RareExclusive 70 97 528 11.02/11.25 Assault: DMG: 99, Attack +6 DRK XEks.gif
Fourth Zaghnal Rare 71 84 470 10.72 Accuracy +7, Enhances Resist Paralyze Effect WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Scythe of Trials RareExclusive 71 82 480 10.25 Latent Effect: HP +20, Latent Effect: Resist Vs. Lightning +10, Latent Effect: Resist Vs. Light +10 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Senior Gold Musketeer's Scythe Rare 71 83 480 10.38 Enhances Resist Paralyze Effect, Citizens of Bastok: Accuracy +7 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Storm Zaghnal RareExclusive 71 87 480 10.88 Depending On Day: Increases Elemental Weapon Skill Damage WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Zareehkl Scythe RareExclusive 71 91 528 10.34 Latent Effect: Increases rate of "Triple Attack" DRK XEks.gif
Garuda's Sickle RareExclusive 72 90 501 10.78 AGI +4, Latent Effect: Accuracy +13 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Martial Scythe 72 92 528 10.45 TP Bonus DRK XEks.gif
Mighty Zaghnal 72 86 494 10.45 INT +2, Windsday: Resist Vs. Wind +15, Windsday: Damage 94 WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Y's Scythe RareExclusive 72 92 513 10.76 HP -5%, Accuracy +5 DRK XEks.gif
Blizzard Scythe 73 97 528 11.02 Accuracy +2, Magic Accuracy +2, Enchantment: Blizzard , <50/50 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]> DRK XEks.gif
Death Scythe 73 97 528 11.02 Additional Effect: HP Drain DRK
Death Scythe +1 73 98 513 11.46 Additional Effect: HP Drain DRK
Gravedigger RareExclusive 73 74 490 10.65/9.06 Latent Effect: Damage 87, Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6% WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Lyft Scythe RareExclusive 73 98 528 11.14 DRK XEks.gif
Orichalcum Scythe 73 97 528 11.02 Accuracy +2, Magic Accuracy +2 DRK DiamondFilledLightDarkLight LightDark DarkShape FilledDiamond.gifInformation Needed
Perdu Sickle RareExclusive 73 88 501 11.14/10.54 Latent Effect: Damage 93 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Triton's Scythe 73 98 513 11.46 Accuracy +3, Magic Accuracy +3 DRK DiamondFilledLightDarkLight LightDark DarkShape FilledDiamond.gifInformation Needed
Suzaku's Scythe RareExclusive 74 88 480 11.00 Resist Vs. Fire +10, Accuracy +5, Enhances Bird Killer Effect, Additional Effect: Fire Damage WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
White Joker RareExclusive 74 89 501 10.66 INT +4 "Magic Atk. Bonus" +8 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Tredecim Scythe 74 95 528 10.80 DRK XEks.gif
Enforcer Rare 74 95 528 10.80 STR +3, DEX +3, Evasion -6, Additional effect: MP Drain DRK XEks.gif
Dweomer Scythe 75 92 528 10.45 DRK XEks.gif
Ogre Sickle 75 80 501 9.58 BLM XEks.gif
Liberator RareExclusive 75 93 528 10.57 Magic Accuracy +20, Augments "Absorb" spells, "Insurgency", Aftermath: Increases Acc./Atk., Occasionally attacks twice DRK XEks.gif
Death Sickle RareExclusive 75 90 528 10.23 DRK XEks.gif
Bahamut's Zaghnal RareExclusive 75 24 480 3.00 Occasionally attacks 2 to 3 times WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Scarecrow Scythe RareExclusive 75 86 480 10.75 Double Attack +1%, Additional Effect vs Bird: Bind WAR/DRK/BST XEks.gif
Relic Scythe RareExclusive 75 1 999 0.06 DRK XEks.gif
Memento Scythe RareExclusive 75 1 528 0.14/9.32 Dynamis: DMG: 82, Resist Vs. Ice +7 DRK XEks.gif
Dynamis Scythe RareExclusive 75 82 528 9.32/9.66 Dynamis: DMG: 85, Resist Vs. Ice +9 DRK XEks.gif
Bec de Faucon RareExclusive 75 103 528 11.70 Dynamis: "Catastrophe" DRK XEks.gif
Apocalypse RareExclusive 75 103 513 12.05 Accuracy +20, "Catastrophe", Additional Effect: Blindness DRK XEks.gif
Farmhand Exclusive 75 75 528 8.52 DRK XEks.gif
Stigma AugmentExclusive 75 79 528 8.98 DRK XEks.gif
Ultimatum AugmentRareExclusive 75 93 528 10.57~12.16 DRK XEks.gif
Vengeance AugmentRareExclusive 75 45 518 5.21~Information Needed DRK XEks.gif
Severance AugmentExclusive 75 77 528 8.75~11.36 DRK XEks.gif
Plaga Scythe RareExclusive 76 106 528 12.05 Additional Effect Darkness damage DRK Verification Needed
Dire Scythe AugmentExclusive 77 99 528 11.25 DRK XEks.gif
Gleaming Zaghnal 80 90 480 11.25 WAR/DRK/BST Verification Needed
Reckoning 80 88 528 10.00 DRK Verification Needed
Apocalypse (80) RareExclusive 80 117 513 13.68 Accuracy +25, "Catastrophe", Additional Effect: Blindness DRK XEks.gif
Bounty Sickle Rare 82 94 501 11.26 Enhances Effects of "Drain" and "Aspir" WAR/BLM/DRK/BST Verification Needed
Crisis Scythe RareExclusive 85 118 513 13.80 Latent effect: "Catastrophe" DRK Verification Needed
Reckoning +1 AugmentRareExclusive 85 113 528 12.84 DRK Verification Needed
Apocalypse (85) RareExclusive 85 130 513 15.2 Accuracy +30, "Catastrophe", Additional Effect: Blindness DRK XEks.gif
Sectum Sickle 87 109 501 INT +4, Accuracy+4 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST Verification Needed
Sectum Sickle +1 87 110 490 INT +5, Accuracy+5 WAR/BLM/DRK/BST Verification Needed
Maleficus RareExclusive 89 98 501 11.74 INT +10, "Magic Attack Bonus" +10, Magic Critical Hit Rate +10%, Increases Magic Critical Hit Damage BLM Verification Needed
Woeborn RareExclusive 89 131 528 14.89 STR+6, Dark Magic Skill+7, Enhances Endark effect DRK Verification Needed
Darklinn Scythe RareExclusive 90 123 513 14.39 STR +3, VIT +3 DRK Verification Needed
Twilight Scythe RareExclusive 90 128 513 14.97 STR +8, Additional Effect: "Death" DRK Verification Needed
Apocalypse (90) RareExclusive 90 140 513 16.37 Accuracy +35, "Catastrophe", Additional Effect: Blindness DRK XEks.gif
Sortilege Scythe Rare 94 137 528 Magic Accuracy+5, enhances Fast Cast I effect DRK Verification Needed
Apocalypse (95) RareExclusive 95 154 513 18.01 Accuracy +35, "Catastrophe", Additional Effect: Blindness DRK XEks.gif
Yhatdhara 97 119 480 Atk +5, Weapon Skill accuracy + 8 WAR/DRK/BST Verification Needed
Nirastamo Rare 99 140 528 15.91 STR +5, INT +7, ATK +10, Increases amount of TP gained when landing Critical Hit. DRK Verification Needed
Apocalypse (99) RareExclusive 99 513 Accuracy +35, "Catastrophe", Additional Effect: Blindness DRK XEks.gif

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