Auroral Drape

Auroral Drape

Silences and blinds enemies within range.


Spell cost: 51 MP
Monster Type: Empty
Spell Type: Magical (Wind)
Blue Magic Points: 4
Stat Bonus: INT+3 CHR-2


Casting Time: Information Needed seconds
Recast Time: ~55 seconds
Duration: 30~60 seconds (random distribution)

Combines With...[edit]

Can be paired with one of the following spells to create the Fast Cast combo:


  • Maximum casting distance of 13.7 yalms.
  • Area of Effect is radial centered around the target.
  • Though the chat log will display "The monster receives the effect of silence/blindness," both effects are applied simultaneously, assuming the enemy did not resist the effect(s). For example, if Silence is already active on the enemy, but Blind is not and it does not resist Blind, the message displayed will be, "The monster receives the effect of blindness."
  • Inflicts a 60Verification Needed Accuracy Down Blind effect and Silence for a maximum duration of Information Needed seconds.
  • Actinic Burst and Auroral Drape will stack since Flash and Blind are different, stackable status effects.

Skillchain/Magic Burst Info[edit]

Magic Bursts on: Detonation, Fragmentation, Light

How to Obtain[edit]

Acquired From[edit]

Mob Family: Weepers
Minimum Blue Mage Level To Acquire: Obtained as a lvl 76 w/ Magus Jubbah
Name Level Zone
Weeper 25-37 Promyvion - Dem
25-37 Promyvion - Holla
25-37 Promyvion - Mea
50-57 Promyvion - Vahzl
Woeful Weeper Information Needed Promyvion - Dem
Information Needed Promyvion - Holla
Information Needed Promyvion - Mea
Information Needed Promyvion - Vahzl
Lamenter 83-89 Abyssea - Tahrongi
Lachrymater (NM) Unknown Abyssea - Tahrongi


File:Auroral Drape

Single Target Damage:
Foot Kick  —  Power Attack  —  Sprout Smack  —  Wild Oats  —  Queasyshroom  —  Head Butt  —  Feather Storm  —  Helldive  —  Bludgeon  —  Blood Drain  —  Screwdriver  —  Death Ray  —  Smite of Rage  —  Digest  —  Pinecone Bomb  —  Jet Stream  —  Uppercut  —  Terror Touch  —  Blitzstrahl  —  Mandibular Bite  —  Sickle Slash  —  Death Scissors  —  Dimensional Death  —  Spiral Spin  —  Eyes On Me  —  Seedspray  —  Spinal Cleave  —  Frenetic Rip  —  Hydro Shot  —  Corrosive Ooze  —  Firespit  —  Hysteric Barrage  —  Regurgitation  —  Cannonball  —  Asuran Claws  —  Disseverment  —  Sub-zero Smash  —  Ram Charge  —  Mind Blast  —  Vertical Cleave  —  Blazing Bound  —  Final Sting  —  Goblin Rush  —  Vanity Dive  —  Benthic Typhoon  —  Osmosis  —  Quadratic Continuum —  Delta Thrust  —  Everyone's Grudge (spell)  —  Heavy Strike  —  Dark Orb  —  Sudden Lunge  —  Quadrastrike  —  Amorphic Spikes  —  Barbed Crescent  —  Bloodrake  —  Paralyzing Triad  —  Glutinous Dart  —  Thrashing Assault  —  Sweeping Gouge

Area of Effect Damage:
Sandspin  —  Battle Dance  —  Cursed Sphere  —  Blastbomb  —  Claw Cyclone  —  Poison Breath  —  Bomb Toss  —  Grand Slam  —  Mysterious Light  —  Venom Shell  —  Magnetite Cloud  —  Blood Saber  —  Ice Break  —  Self-Destruct  —  Cold Wave  —  Hecatomb Wave  —  Radiant Breath  —  Flying Hip Press  —  Maelstrom  —  Bad Breath  —  Body Slam  —  1000 Needles  —  Frypan  —  Frost Breath  —  Tail Slap  —  Heat Breath  —  Acrid Stream  —  Leafstorm  —  Whirl of Rage  —  Thermal Pulse  —  Empty Thrash  —  Charged Whisker  —  Water Bomb  —  Thunderbolt (Behemoth)  —  Vapor Spray  —  Thunder Breath  —  Gates of Hades  —  Tourbillion  —  Wind Breath  —  Bilgestorm  —  Tempestuous Upheaval  —  Rending Deluge  —  Embalming Earth  —  Foul Waters  —  Retinal Glare  —  Droning Whirlwind  —  Subduction  —  Uproot  —  Crashing Thunder  —  Polar Roar  —  Cruel Joke  —  Cesspool  —  Tearing Gust

Sheep Song  —  Soporific  —  Sound Blast  —  Chaotic Eye  —  Blank Gaze  —  MP Drainkiss  —  Stinking Gas  —  Geist Wall  —  Awful Eye  —  Jettatura  —  Frightful Roar  —  Filamented Hold  —  Light of Penance  —  Feather Tickle  —  Yawn  —  Voracious Trunk  —  Infrasonics  —  Sandspray  —  Enervation  —  Lowing  —  Temporal Shift  —  Actinic Burst  —  Magic Hammer  —  Cimicine Discharge  —  Demoralizing Roar  —  Auroral Drape  —  Dream Flower  —  Reaving Wind  —  Mortal Ray  —  Absolute Terror  —  Blistering Roar

Pollen  —  Healing Breeze  —  Wild Carrot  —  Magic Fruit  —  Exuviation  —  Plenilune Embrace  —  Winds of Promyvion  —  White Wind

Metallic Body  —  Cocoon  —  Refueling  —  Feather Barrier  —  Memento Mori  —  Zephyr Mantle  —  Diamondhide  —  Warm-Up  —  Amplification  —  Triumphant Roar  —  Saline Coat  —  Reactor Cool  —  Plasma Charge  —  Regeneration  —  Animating Wail  —  Battery Charge  —  Magic Barrier  —  Fantod  —  Occultation  —  Barrier Tusk  —  Harden Shell  —  Orcish Counterstance  —  Pyric Bulwark  —  Nature's Meditation  —  Carcharian Verve  —  Erratic Flutter  —  Mighty Guard

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning

This article uses material from the "Auroral_Drape" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.