Mortal Ray
- Inflicts Doom upon an enemy.
Description[edit]Spell cost: 267 MP
Timers[edit]Casting Time: 8 second |
- Possesses very low accuracy.
- The doom effect takes 60 seconds to kill the afflicted target.
- The doom effect will wear off if you move more than 10' away from the afflicted target.
- It is possible to sleep or bind the doomed enemy without the doom effect wearing off.
- Mortal Ray does NOT have to inflict Doom to be obtained. A Blue Mage can face away for "No effect" and still learn the spell. (Confirmed in Abyssea - Vunkerl on Aestutaurs: Learned @ Level 91, 409 Blue Magic Skill.)
Combines With...[edit]
You can use Mortal Ray as part of a combo to create Dual Wield.
Can be paired with one of the following spells to create the Dual Wield trait:
Skillchain/Magic Burst Info[edit]
Gains a small magic accuracy bonus and has a lower chance to wear off when Magic Bursted with Compression, Gravitation and Darkness skillchains whilst using Burst Affinity.
How to Obtain[edit]
Acquired From[edit]
Mob Family: Tauri Minimum Blue Mage Level To Acquire: with Magus Jubbah equipped,
without Magus Jubbah
Name Level Zone Taurus 37-38 Phomiuna Aqueducts Stegotaur 44-48 Phomiuna Aqueducts 47-49 Sacrarium Teratotaur 57-59 Sacrarium Brontotaur 68-71 Uleguerand Range Tyrannotaur 72-75 Uleguerand Range Molech 78-81 Uleguerand Range Dryptotaur 79-80 Beaucedine Glacier (S) Gorgotaur 81-82 Xarcabard (S) Tarbotaur 82-83 Xarcabard (S) Titanotaur 83 Castle Zvahl Keep (S) Aestutaur ? Abyssea - Vunkerl
This article uses material from the "Mortal_Ray" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.