Blade: Hi

Katana weapon skill
Skill Level: N/A
Description: Deals quadruple damage. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. Kannagi: Aftermath.
Equipment: Aligned with shadow equipment (Shadow Gorget & Shadow Belt).
Aligned with soil equipment (Soil Gorget & Soil Belt).


Element: None
Modifiers: AGI:80%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
4.0 4.0 4.0

Critical Hit Rate by TP:

1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
15% 20% 25%

Skillchain Properties

Dark-Icon.gifDarkness (A)
Level 3 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Level 2 Skillchains
Level 1 Skillchains
Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation (B)
Level 3 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Water-square.gifIce-square.gif Distortion Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gifWater-square.gifIce-square.gif Darkness
Level 2 Skillchains
Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation Lightning-square.gifWind-square.gif Fragmentation = Lightning-square.gifWind-square.gif Fragmentation
Light-square.gifFire-square.gif Fusion Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation = Dark-square.gifEarth-square.gif Gravitation
Level 1 Skillchains


Blade: Hi is pronounced like the male pronoun he. The kanji 秘 (hi) is short for 秘密 (himitsu), which is Japanese for the word "secret," in essence giving this Weapon Skill the name "Secret Blade."

Hi is also the one word for fire in Japanese, though the Kanji is different. This is likely the reason behind the fire animation.

This article uses material from the "Blade:_Hi" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.