Double Attack

Job Trait Overview[edit]

  • Game Description: May double your attacks.
  • Job Traits are always active.
  • Further Notes:
    • Rate of activation for the Warrior job trait is 10%.
      • Each upgrade of Double Attack Rate (WAR Group 1) increases the rate of activation by 1%. These upgrades do not affect WAR as subjob.
        • Rate of Double Attack activation has no difference between Warrior as main job and Warrior as sub job unless merited.
    • The Double Attack trait gained by Blue Mage spell combinations is 7%. Source [1]
    • Activation rate is far higher for monsters with a Double Attack trait, estimated at around 25%.

Effect Overview[edit]

  • Double Attack effects from gear, food or buffs may activate without native access to the job trait.
  • "Double Attack"+1, "Double Attack"+1% or Enhances "Double Attack" effect are all different wordings of the same effect and will stack.
  • Additional attacks produced by Triple Attack, and to a degree, Occasionally Attacks X Times weapons are not affected by Double Attack, and only one of these effects can proc at once.
    • Example: Joyeuse will never attack more than 2 times, and the 2nd attack will never be subject to Double Attack. Furthermore, Kraken Club is never affected by Double Attack if its "Attacks 2 to 8 Times" effect proc's, though it will increase the amount of hits per round.
  • Double Attack can trigger on both weapons when Dual Wielding, both hands when using H2H weapons and both attacks on virtue stone weapons.
    • Example: Faith Baghnakhs can produce an additional attack on both hands (consuming 2 virtue stones), and each of these 4 attacks are subject to Double Attack.
    • When using a normal H2H weapon, the double attack will only appear on the screen on the left hand. When both fists trigger a Double Attack, both are done with the left hand on the screen. When using Faith Baghnakhs, double attack from extra swings can appear on left and right hands.
  • May activate during weapon skills.
    • On multi-hit weapon skills, Double Attack can proc on any hit of the weapon skill. Note, however, that Double Attack cannot proc to induce a weapon skill to attempt to hit more than 8 times.
    • TP return for weapon skills will increase by 1 TP every time double attack activates during the weapon skills.
  • May activate during Jump and High Jump

Blue Magic Spells that Activate this Trait[edit]

Set any two of the following Blue Magic spells to get this trait:

Level Available Spell Set Point Cost
77 Acrid Stream 3
80 Demoralizing Roar 4
87 Empty Thrash 3
92 Heavy Strike 2

Equipment that Enhances this Effect[edit]

Name Skill Increase
+9% +7% +5% +4% +3% +2% +1%
Enchu +1Augmented* CheckCheck.gif
EnchuAugmented* CheckCheck.gif
Ursine ClawsAugmented* CheckCheck.gif
Ares's Cuirass Set CheckCheck.gif
Brutal Earring CheckCheck.gif
Drake Earring (L) CheckCheck.gif
Juogi +1 CheckCheck.gif
Ravager's Cuisses +2 CheckCheck.gif
Rune Halberd (L) CheckCheck.gif
Chimeric Fleuret (L) CheckCheck.gif
Juogi CheckCheck.gif
Ravager's Mask +2 CheckCheck.gif
Kudzu Aketon CheckCheck.gif
Epona's Ring CheckCheck.gif
Hachiman Jinpachi +1 (L) CheckCheck.gif
Ravager's Mask +1 CheckCheck.gif
Ravager's Cuisses +1 CheckCheck.gif
Valkyrie's Fork CheckCheck.gif
Atheling Mantle CheckCheck.gif
Agrona's Leggings CheckCheck.gif
Ares's Flanchard CheckCheck.gif
Askar Korazin CheckCheck.gif
Aurore Doublet CheckCheck.gif
Ferox Vizor CheckCheck.gif
Hacchonenbutsu Dangozashi (H)Verification Needed CheckCheck.gif
Hachiman Jinpachi (L) CheckCheck.gif
Mirke WardecorsAugmented* CheckCheck.gif
Nocturnus Helm CheckCheck.gif
Nuevo CoseleteAugmented* CheckCheck.gif
Pole Grip CheckCheck.gif
Ravager's Gorget CheckCheck.gif
Royal RedingoteAugmented* CheckCheck.gif
Sadhu Bracelets (L) CheckCheck.gif
Soldier's Ring (L) CheckCheck.gif
Tau Ring (S) CheckCheck.gif
Blithe Mantleh CheckCheck.gif
Anguinus Belt CheckCheck.gif
Fighter's Calligae +1 CheckCheck.gif
Fighter's Calligae CheckCheck.gif
Niokiyotsuna CheckCheck.gif
Scarecrow Scythe CheckCheck.gif
Shenlong's Baghnakhs CheckCheck.gif
Sukesada CheckCheck.gif
Wamoura Axe (A and S) CheckCheck.gif
Warrior's Cuisses +1 CheckCheck.gif
Warrior's Cuisses CheckCheck.gif
Aesir Mantle (3% on Darksday) CheckCheck.gif
Ravager's Earring CheckCheck.gif
Twicer (E)

* Requires you to choose the appropriate augment on item creation.

Food that Enhances this Effect[edit]

(** With rice ball enhancing equipment)

Status effects that Enhance this Effect[edit]

Ifrit's Favor
Fighter's Roll

Double Attack[edit]

Double Attack Rate: 10%

Double Attack Rate: 7%

Double Attack Rate: 3%~30% (Varies by Maneuvers)

This article uses material from the "Double_Attack" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.