Sharpshot Head
Controls the AI of the Automaton.
Elemental Slots
Skill Rank Modifier
- Ranged +1
Spell-Casting Delay
Each category of magic has a separate recast timer, while the automaton also has a universal recast timer which determines the minimum time between any two spells being cast.
- ~12 second universal delay.
- ~12 second Enfeebling delay.
- ~?? second Healing delay (Cures).
- Remains stationary when deployed within ~15 yalms of the target, if deployed outside this range the automaton will close to melee distance.
- Magic is only used when attached to the Stormwaker or Harlequin Frame.
Spells and Enemy HP%The casting AI changes based on the current targets health.
Spells and ManeuversManeuvers increase the priority of spells of their respective element.
Curing Priority
Will only cure the master and puppet, prioritizing whoever has more hate. Cures only occur when below a certain percentage of health. See the damage gauge article for more info.
Spell List
Spells become available as Automaton Magic Skill increases.
How to Obtain
Heads and Frames
This article uses material from the "Sharpshot_Head" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.