Upper Jeuno

Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Upper Jeuno
Type City
Map Acquisition Purchase
Miscellaneous None
Region Jeuno
Expansion Final Fantasy XI
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music "The Grand Duchy of Jeuno"
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes None

The upper level of Jeuno, also known as the Artisan Bridge, is home to a few shops and merchants. The dichotomy of the district is readily apparant as the Temple of the Goddess and infirmary lie a few steps from weapon and shield shops, and a block away from the Marble Bridge Tavern. The Auction House is accessible from this district as well, and chocobos can be rented to access to Batallia Downs.

Ru'Lude Gardens: J-10

Lower Jeuno: H-11

Aht Urhgan Whitegate: G-5 via Ajithaam after completion of Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno)

Batallia Downs: F-4

Abdhaljs Isle-Purgonorgo: via Afdeen at (H-9)
Home Point #1: (F-5)
Home Point #2: (I-11)
Home Point #3: (G-9)

Involved in Quests/Missions[edit]

Quest Type Starter Location
A Candlelight Vigil General Ilumida    Upper Jeuno G-8
A Chocobo's Tale General Nevela    Upper Jeuno G-7
A Clock Most Delicate General Galmut    Upper Jeuno J-7
A Reputation in Ruins General Migliorozz    Upper Jeuno H-9
Axe the Competition Weapon Skill Brutus    Upper Jeuno G-7
Blessed Radiance Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Blighted Gloom Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Borghertz's Calling Hands SMN Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Chasing Hands RNG Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Dragon Hands DRG Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Harmonious Hands BRD Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Healing Hands WHM Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Loyal Hands SAM Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Lurking Hands NIN Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Shadowy Hands DRK Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Sneaky Hands THF Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Sorcerous Hands BLM Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Stalwart Hands PLD Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Striking Hands MNK Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Vermillion Hands RDM Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Warring Hands WAR Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Borghertz's Wild Hands BST Artifact Armor Guslam    Upper Jeuno H-8
Candle-making General Rouliette    Upper Jeuno H-9
Chameleon Capers Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Chocobo on the Loose! General Brutus    Upper Jeuno G-7
Chocobo's Wounds General Brutus    Upper Jeuno G-7
Clash of the Comrades Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
The Clockmaster General Galmut    Upper Jeuno J-7
Crest of Davoi General Baudin    Upper Jeuno G-8
Girl in the Looking Glass Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Lakeside Minuet Job: Dancer Laila    Upper Jeuno G-7
Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno) General Ajithaam    Upper Jeuno F-5
Mirror Images Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Mirror, Mirror Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Mixed Signals Fellow Ratoto    Upper Jeuno I-10
Past Reflections Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Path of the Beastmaster Job: Beastmaster Brutus    Upper Jeuno G-7
Regaining Trust Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Save My Sister General Baudin    Upper Jeuno G-8
Save the Clock Tower General Derrick    Lower Jeuno H-7
Scattered into Shadow BST AF2 Brutus    Upper Jeuno G-7
Searching for the Right Words Spell Scroll Ilumida    Lower Jeuno G-8
Unlisted Qualities Fellow Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno I-10
Wings of Gold BST AF1 Brutus    Upper Jeuno G-7
Mission Nation Starter Location
The Rites of Life Promathia 1-1 ---    ---
Tending Aged Wounds Promathia 3-4 ---    ---
Darkness Named Promathia 3-5 ---    ---
The Pursuit of Paradise (Tenzen's Path) Promathia 5-3 Cid    Metalworks H-8
For Whom the Verse is Sung Promathia 6-1 --    --
Flames in the Darkness Promathia 7-2 ---    ---
Dawn Promathia 8-4 ---    ---
The Queen of the Dance WotG Remiotte    Southern San d'Oria (S)
Hasten! In a Jam in Jeuno? Moogle Kupo d'Etat Moogle    Mog House
Welcome! To My Decrepit Domicile Moogle Kupo d'Etat Moogle    Upper Jeuno H-8

NPCs Found Here[edit]

Name Location Type
Ajithaam (G - 5) Warp NPC
Antonia (H - 8) Standard Merchant
Appollonia (G - 6) Weather Checker
Areebah (H - 6) Standard Merchant
Artush (G - 6)
Balkehr (H - 8)
Baudin (G - 8)
Bheem (F - 5)
Bozz (G - 9)
Brutus (G - 7) Job Quest Giver
Champalpieu (H - 6) Standard Merchant
Chiphraix (H - 10)
Collet (G - 7)
Constance (G - 9)
Coumuna (H - 8) Standard Merchant
Couvoullie (G - 7) Chocobo Renter
Deadly Minnow (H - 9) Standard Merchant
Edlina (I - 10) Map Viewer
Emitt (F - 5) Conquest Overseer
Finbarr (G - 7)
Finnela (G - 7)
Galmut (G - 7)
Garadaut (G - 6)
Geebeh (I - 8)
Glyke (F - 7) Standard Merchant
Guslam (H - 8)
Hinda (H - 9)
Ilumida (G - 8)
Indika (H - 7) Auction House Representative
Kasra (H - 7) Item Deliverer
Khe Chalahko (H - 9) Standard Merchant
Koriso-Manriso (G - 9) Item Deliverer
Kortso-Paratso (H - 8)
Laila (G - 7) Job Quest Giver
Leillaine (G - 9) Standard Merchant
Name Location Type
Luto Mewrilah (G - 8)
Mailloquetat (H - 9)
Mairee (G - 7) Chocobo Renter
Mejuone (G - 7) Standard Merchant
Mhao Kehtsoruho (G - 6) Past Event Watcher
Migliorozz (H - 9)
Mojuro-Nojuro (F - 7)
Monberaux (G - 10)
Moritz (I - 8) ENM Quest Time Checker
Nekha Shachaba (G - 8)
Nevela (G - 7)
Olgald (G - 7)
Osker (G - 7)
Palarillont (H - 8)
Paya-Sabya (I - 8)
Polly (H - 9)
Ratoto (I - 10) Adventurer's Assistant
Renik (H - 9)
Rhea Myuliah (G - 7)
Rosaline (G - 10)
Rouliette (H - 9)
Rusese (H - 6) Map Dealer
Shalott (G - 7)
Shama Pikholo (G - 9) Auction House Representative
Shiroro (G - 8)
Sibila-Mobla (G - 7)
Silver Tail (G - 7)
Souren (G - 9)
Taylen (H - 8)
Tewo Rutuminpa (G - 7)
Theraisie (G - 6) Standard Merchant
Tinjue (G - 6) Past Event Watcher
Ulesa (H - 7) Auction House Representative
Wise Wolf (G - 9) Auction House Representative
Zekobi-Morokobi (J - 11)
Zelma (H - 8)
Zuber (F - 7)
This article uses material from the "Upper_Jeuno" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.