Template:Gallery Pics



This notice has been placed on your talk page because you have recently uploaded one or more user pictures that violate our Image Policy. You may either be new to the site and/or unfamiliar with our policy, so to facilitate your editing; here is the FFXIclopedia policy regarding Gallery Pictures:


1. All images must relate to FFXI, non-relevant images are subject to immediate deletion.
2. Gallery images are exclusively for use in the userspace, these images may not be used in the main namespace.
3. Gallery images should not contain vulgar language or profanity or contain inappropriate words, inappropriate sexual references/imagery or other vulgar statements/imagery.

Violation of this rule will result in either speedy deletion of the image and/or a temporary or permanent a ban from FFXIclopedia.

Once you have read and understood the policy, feel free to delete this notice from your talk page, or keep it if you wish to reference the policy. Thank you for understanding - FFXIclopedia Administrators
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{{Replacing Images}}
{{Gallery Pics}}
{{Video warn}}
{{Images}} • {{User Pics}}
{{Show Preview}}

This article uses material from the "Template:Gallery_Pics" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.