(Redirected from Ingredients)
This category contains foods that are edible, as well as foods that are used as ingredients in crafting other foods using the Cooking craft skill. |
This article uses material from the "Category:Ingredients" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "Ingredients"
The following 193 pages are in this category, out of 193 total.
- Cehuetzi Ice Shard
- Cerberus Meat
- Chalaimbille
- Chamomile
- Chestnut
- Cibol
- Cinnamon
- Clot Plasma
- Clotflagration
- Cockatrice Meat
- Coeurl Meat
- Coffee Beans
- Coffee Cherries
- Coffee Powder
- Cooking Kit 10
- Cooking Kit 15
- Cooking Kit 20
- Cooking Kit 25
- Cooking Kit 30
- Cooking Kit 35
- Cooking Kit 40
- Cooking Kit 45
- Cooking Kit 5
- Cooking Kit 50
- Coral Fungus
- Coriander
- Cornstarch
- Cotton Tofu
- Crawler Egg
- Crying Mustard
- Curry Powder
- Saffron
- Sage
- Salsa
- San d'Orian Carrot
- San d'Orian Flour
- San d'Orian Grapes
- Saruta Orange
- Scream Fungus
- Selbina Butter
- Selbina Milk
- Semolina
- Shirataki
- Shungiku
- Simsim
- Skull Locust
- Sleepshroom
- Smilodon Liver
- Snapping Mole
- Soba Noodles
- Sobbing Fungus
- Soy Milk
- Soy Sauce
- Soy Stock
- Spaghetti
- Sticky Rice
- Stone Cheese
- Sunflower Seeds