Hare Meat

Hare Meat


Slice of hare meat
This meat is from a small wild rabbit.

Stackable: 12

Food Effects: (5 minutes, Galka*)

Other Uses[edit]

Used in Quest: A Taste For Meat
Used in Mission: To the Forsaken Mines
Resale Price: ~8 gil

Synthesis Recipes[edit]


Used in Recipes[edit]

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Food > Ingredients ( )


Price: Varies
Name Location Type Cost
Kopopo* Windurst Waters (E-8) Guild Merchant
Green Thumb Moogle** Mog Garden Standard Merchant 38 gil
*Not restocked by guild
**When in possession of Key ItemRabbit Memento

Dropped From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Wild Rabbit 1 East Ronfaure
1 West Ronfaure
Savanna Rarab
12 - 15 West Sarutabaruta (S)
Forest Hare 1 - 5 East Ronfaure
12 - 15 East Ronfaure (S)
Pit Hare 2 - 6 Palborough Mines
Hoarder Hare 6 - 8 Dangruf Wadi
Steppe Hare 7 - 10 La Theine Plateau
Canyon Rarab 7 - 10 Tahrongi Canyon
Rabid Rat 11 - 13 Palborough Mines
Wadi Hare 11 - 14 Dangruf Wadi
Bog Bunny 13 - 16 Pashhow Marshlands
Unknown Pashhow Marshlands (S)
Sand Hare 15 - 18 Valkurm Dunes
Mighty Rarab 15 - 18 Buburimu Peninsula
Blood Bunny 17 - 19 Ordelle's Caves
Vorpal Bunny 23 - 26 Ordelle's Caves
Unknown Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Goblin's Rarab 29-31 Bibiki Bay
67 - 69 Bibiki Bay
Unknown West Sarutabaruta (S)
Island Rarab 34 - 38 Bibiki Bay
Variable Hare 58 - 61 Uleguerand Range
Beach Bunny 62 - 65 Cape Teriggan
Moss Eater 62 - 66 Boyahda Tree
Polar Hare 65 - 68 Uleguerand Range
Tropical Rarab 73 - 76 Bibiki Bay
Jaggedy-Eared Jack (NM) 9 - 10 West Ronfaure
Black Coney (NM) 70 - 72 Uleguerand Range
White Coney (NM) 70 - 72 Uleguerand Range
Unut (NM) 72 Boyahda Tree
Twigtrip Lapinion 100 Ceizak Battlegrounds
Pepper Hare 101 - 102 Moh Gates
Snowpelt Rabbit 111 - 112 Kamihr Drifts

Stolen From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Savanna Rarab 1 - 6 East Sarutabaruta
1 - 5 West Sarutabaruta
Pit Hare 2 - 6 Palborough Mines
Canyon Rarab 7 - 10 Tahrongi Canyon
Blood Bunny 17 - 19 Ordelle's Caves
Island Rarab 34 - 38 Bibiki Bay
Uleguerand Tiger 60 - 63 Uleguerand Range

Despoiled From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Variable Hare 58 - 61 Uleguerand Range
Beach Bunny 62 - 65 Cape Teriggan
Twigtrip Lapinion 100 Ceizak Battlegrounds
Pepper Hare 101 - 102 Moh Gates
Snowpelt Rabbit 111 - 112 Kamihr Drifts
This article uses material from the "Hare_Meat" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.