


Bowl of yogurt
Fermented sheep's milk.

Stackable: 12

Food Effects: (3 minutes, All Races)

1 HP Regen every 3 seconds for 3 minutes, 60 total

Other Uses[edit]

Guild Points Value: None
Resale Price: ~200 - 204 gil

Synthesis Recipes[edit]

Cooking (~8Verification Needed)Verification Needed
Yield: Yogurt x 4
HQ 1: Yogurt x 6
HQ 2: Yogurt x 9
HQ 3: Yogurt x 12
Dark Crystal

Used in Recipes[edit]

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Food > Ingredients ( )

Only obtainable through synthesis.

This article uses material from the "Yogurt" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.