Inferno Claws

Inferno Claws


Inferno Claws RareExclusive
(Hand-to-Hand) All Races
DMG: +15 Delay: +49
Lv. 75 PUP

Damage Per Second: +3.4*
TP Per Hit: +14*
*Base delay for Hand-to-Hand is assumed to be 480.

Other Uses[edit]

Used in Quests:
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Storable with: Ghanraam

Synthesis Recipes[edit]


Used in Recipes[edit]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered.

Dropped From[edit]

Dropped from any NM in Nyzul Isle Investigation.

  • 100% drop from HNMs on Floor 100 depending on Runic Disc holder's job.

Historical Information[edit]

While the majority of the Nyzul Weapons take their names from recurring Final Fantasy weapons, the Inferno Claws are an XI-specific name. Previous incarnations of these claws are most likely the Dragon Claws (IV, VI, VII, IX, Mystic Quest) and/or Hell Claws (III, IV).

See Also[edit]

This article uses material from the "Inferno_Claws" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.