Darkness Rising

Mission Name Darkness Rising
Number 5-1
Start NPC Naji (J-8) in Metalworks
Title Granted Archmage Assassin
Reward Rank points
← Previous Mission Next Mission →
Magicite Xarcabard, Land of Truths
Replay Cutscenes
Darkness Rising (pt.1) Taulluque Metalworks (I-8)
The Rank 5 Mission Goblin Footprint Fei'Yin (F-11)
The Rank 5 Mission Goblin Footprint Qu'Bia Arena
Darkness Rising (pt.2) Taulluque Metalworks (I-8)

Recommended: Level 60+ character or level 45+ party. Sneak/Invisible. Map of the Northlands Area.


Side note: Until you accept the mission, the music in Metalworks will be changed to "Despair (Memoro de la Stono)."

Game Description

Mission Orders
You are to head north to a place called Fei'Yin on the Beaucedine Glacier. Go to the President's Office for a full briefing. Naji will show you in.
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