Qu'Bia Arena

Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Qu'Bia Arena
Type Battlefield
Maps No Map
Map Acquisition N/A
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor Able to use Escape
Shared with Fei'Yin
Region Fauregandi
Expansion Original
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music "Tough Battle" (normal)
"Fury" (Vassago)
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes None

The mysterious inner sanctum of the Ruins of Fei'Yin where the seal closing off the frozen northlands was placed after the Great War. It is the entrance to a number of different BCNM battles as well as some battles for missions and quests. You must use the Burning Circle to do battle.


Escapes to: Beaucedine Glacier (J-5)
From Lower Jeuno via Domenic

Involved in Quests/Missions[edit]

Quest Type Starter Location
A Furious Finale Genkai (DNC) Laila    Upper Jeuno G-7
Beyond Infinity Genkai Nomad Moogle    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Shattering Stars Genkai (PLD, DRK, BRD) Maat    Ru'Lude Gardens H-5
Mirror Images Fellow Bond Cap Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Clash of the Comrades Fellow Level Cap Luto Mewrilah    Upper Jeuno G-8
Mission Nation Starter Location
Darkness Rising Bastok Bastok Gate Guard    Bastok
The Ruins of Fei'Yin San d'Oria San d'Orian Gate Guard    San d'Oria
The Heir to the Light San d'Oria San d'Orian Gate Guard    San d'Oria
The Final Seal Windurst Windurst Gate Guard    Windurst
Those Who Lurk in Shadows (III) A Crystalline Prophecy ---    ---

Battlefield Events[edit]

Entrance: Burning Circle
Name Type Item Level Members Time
Die by the Sword BCNM Sky Orb 30 3 people 15 minutes
Let Sleeping Dogs Die BCNM Sky Orb 30 6 people 30 minutes
Undying Promise BCNM Star Orb 40 3 people 15 minutes
Factory Rejects BCNM Star Orb 40 6 people 30 minutes
An Awful Autopsy BCNM Comet Orb 50 3 people 15 minutes
Idol Thoughts BCNM Comet Orb 50 6 people 30 minutes
Celery BCNM Moon Orb 60 3 people 15 minutes
Brothers D'Aurphe BCNM Moon Orb 60 6 people 30 minutes
Demolition Squad BCNM Moon Orb 60 6 people 30 minutes
Come Into My Parlor KSNM Clotho Orb --- 6 people 30 minutes
E-vase-ive Action KSNM Lachesis Orb --- 6 people 30 minutes
Infernal Swarm KSNM Atropos Orb --- 6 people 30 minutes
Darkness Rising Mission Key ItemNew Fei'Yin Seal 99 6 people 15 minutes
The Ruins of Fei'Yin Mission Key ItemNew Fei'Yin Seal 99 6 people 15 minutes
The Final Seal Mission Key ItemNew Fei'Yin Seal 99 6 people 15 minutes
The Heir to the Light Mission -- 99 6 people 30 minutes
Those Who Lurk in Shadows (III) Mission -- 99 6 people 30 minutes
Shattering Stars (Bard) Limit Bard's Testimony 70/99* 1 person 10 minutes
Shattering Stars (Dark Knight) Limit Dark Knight's Testimony 70/99* 1 person 10 minutes
Shattering Stars (Paladin) Limit Paladin's Testimony 70/99* 1 person 10 minutes
A Furious Finale (Dancer) Limit Dancer's Testimony 70/99* 1 person 10 minutes
Beyond Infinity Limit Key ItemSoul gem clasp --- 6 people 10 minutes
Mirror Images Fellow -- 50 1 person 15 minutes
Clash of the Comrades Fellow -- 99 1 person 10 minutes
Demolition Squad II Reforged Armor Macrocosmic Orb None 6 people 30 minutes
Brothers D'Aurphe II Reforged Armor Macrocosmic Orb None 6 people 30 minutes
  • Limit break battles are capped at your current level, which will be a maximum of 70 if you have never completed a level 71 limit break fight.
This article uses material from the "Qu%27Bia_Arena" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.