Description[edit]Spell cost: 69 MP
Timers[edit]Casting Time: 5 seconds |
- Though unlisted, possesses Additional Effect: Knockback.
- Inflicts additional damage when cast from behind.
- Generates minimal cumulative enmity, making it nearly enmity-less.
- Long Distance Spell similar to Blazing Bound.
- Primarily modified by INT; Secondary Modifiers: MND 30%.
- Affected by MAB.
Combines With[edit]
You can use Regurgitation as part of a combo to create Resist Gravity.
Can be paired with the following spell to create Resist Gravity combo:
Skillchain/Magic Burst Info[edit]
Magic Bursts on: Reverberation, Distortion, and Darkness.
How to Obtain[edit]
Acquired From[edit]
Mob Family: Peiste Minimum Blue Mage Level To Acquire: 60 with Magus Jubbah equipped, 63 without Magus Jubbah Name Level Zone Peiste 74-77 Pashhow Marshlands (S) Peiste 67-71 Grauberg (S) Maritime Peiste 80+ Abyssea - Misareaux
This article uses material from the "Regurgitation" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.