
Flotsam can wash ashore on your Mog Garden's island once you complete the quest Flotsam Finding.

One flotsam item washes ashore per Earth day. However, during the Special FINAL FANTASY XI Eleventh Anniversary Campaign and many other Special Events, a second bonus item washes ashore. Click here to see the possibilities.

Possible Flotsam[edit]

This is far from a complete list!

Notorious Monster Spawn Items[edit]

Magic Scrolls[edit]





Automaton Attachments[edit]

Other Items[edit]

Special Event Loot Pool[edit]

During certain special events, a second bonus item washes ashore. When an applicable event is active, the blue Crabauble takes on the appearance of Courier Carrie to indicate that special flotsam is available.

This article uses material from the "Flotsam" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.