Grass Thread

A spool of grass thread


Grass Thread
Thread spun from moko grass fiber.

Stackable: 12

Other Uses[edit]

Guild Points Value: None
Resale Price: 13~15 gil

(Stack 156~180gil)

Synthesis Recipes[edit]

Clothcraft (1/12)
Yield: Grass Thread x 3
HQ 1: Grass Thread x 6
HQ 2: Grass Thread x 9
HQ 3: Grass Thread x 12
Wind Crystal
Clothcraft (3/14)
Yield: Grass Thread x 1
Lightning Crystal
Clothcraft (3/14)
Yield: Grass Thread x 3
Lightning Crystal
Key ItemSpinning

Used in Recipes[edit]

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Materials > Clothcraft ( )


Price: 45~240
Name Location Type
Taten-Bilten Al Zahbi (J-10) Guild Merchant
Tilala Selbina (H-9) Guild Merchant
Kuzah Hpirohpon Windurst Woods (F-12) Guild Merchant

Dropped From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Goblin Weaver 1-7 Inner Horutoto Ruins
1-7 Outer Horutoto Ruins
3-6 West Sarutabaruta
3-8 South Gustaberg
3-8 East Sarutabaruta
4-8 East Ronfaure
4-8 King Ranperre's Tomb
4-8 North Gustaberg
4-8 Ranguemont Pass
5-8 Dangruf Wadi
8-10 La Theine Plateau
8-10 Konschtat Highlands
8-10 Tahrongi Canyon

Stolen From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Goblin Weaver 1-7 Inner Horutoto Ruins
1-7 Outer Horutoto Ruins
3-8 South Gustaberg
3-8 East Sarutabaruta
3-6 West Sarutabaruta
4-8 East Ronfaure
4-8 West Ronfaure
4-8 King Ranperre's Tomb
4-8 North Gustaberg
4-8 Ranguemont Pass
5-8 Dangruf Wadi
8-10 La Theine Plateau
8-10 Konschtat Highlands
Goblin Digger 28-32 Batallia Downs
This article uses material from the "Grass_Thread" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.