Poison Potion

Poison Potion


Flask of poison potion
This potion induces poison.

Stackable: 12

Medicine Effects: (1 second, 3 minutes)

1 HP every 3 seconds (Total 60).

Other Uses[edit]

Guild Points Value: 100 / 5,760 (57.6 items)
Guild Test Item: Alchemy (Initiate)
Used in Campaign Ops:
Resale Price: 100~102 gil
Guild Resale Price: 144~150 gil

Synthesis Recipes[edit]

Alchemy (18/29)
Yield: Poison Potion x 1
Water Crystal
Alchemy (18/29)
Yield: Poison Potion x 3
Water Crystal
Key ItemTrituration

Used in Recipes[edit]

Desynthesis Recipes[edit]


Obtained from Desynthesis[edit]

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Medicines ( )

Guild Merchants[edit]

Price: 800 - 2,240 gil
Name Location Guild
Maymunah Bastok Mines (K-7) Alchemists' Guild
Open 8:00 - 23:00
Not automatically restocked.

Dropped From[edit]

Name Level Zone
Tonberry Creeper 45-49 Yhoator Jungle
Tonberry Harasser 45-49 Yhoator Jungle
Tonberry Hexer 45-49 Yhoator Jungle


This article uses material from the "Poison_Potion" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.