Jungle Boogymen

Type: BCNM
Zone: Sacrificial Chamber
          Level: 60
          Members: 6
          Time: 30 minutes
Orb: Moon Orb (60 Beastmen's Seals)





Cyaneous-toed Yallberry (Ninja) x 1



Sable-tounged Gonberry (Black Mage) x 1



Virid-faced Shanberry (Thief) x 1



Vermillion-eared Noberry (Summoner) x 1



Tonberry's Avatar x 1



Tonberry's Elemental x 1




Your armoury crate will load out of the following groupings:

One of:
Dark Torque (???%)
Elemental Torque (???%)
Healing Torque (???%)
Wind Torque (???%)
One of:
Platinum Beastcoin (???%)
Scroll of Absorb-STR (???%)
Scroll of Erase (???%)
Scroll of Phalanx (???%)
Fire Spirit Pact (???%)
Dark Ore (???%)
Fire Ore (???%)
Ice Ore (???%)
Light Ore (???%)
Lightning Ore (???%)
Earth Ore (???%)
Water Ore (???%)
Wind Ore (???%)
One of:
Platinum Beastcoin (???%)
Ice Ore (???%)
One of:
Enfeebling Torque (???%)
Evasion Torque (???%)
Guarding Torque (???%)
Summoning Torque (???%)
One of:
Darksteel Ingot (???%)
Painite (???%)
Moonstone (???%)
Gold Ingot (???%)
Aquamarine (???%)
Vile Elixir +1 (???%)
Mythril Ingot (???%)
One of:
Darksteel Ingot (???%)
Translucent Rock (???%)
Moonstone (???%)
Steel Ingot (???%)
Black Rock (???%)
Chrysoberyl (???%)
Hi-Reraiser (???%)
Unknown groupings (seem to be shared between fifth and sixth items in pool):
Aquamarine (???%)
Beetle Blood (???%)
Blue Rock (???%)
Chrysoberyl (???%)
Darksteel Ingot (???%)
Ebony Log (???%)
Fluorite (???%)
Gold Ingot (???%)
Green Rock (???%)
Hi-Reraiser (???%)
Jadeite (???%)
Mahogany Log (???%)
Malboro Fiber (???%)
Moonstone (???%)
Mythril Ingot (???%)
Painite (???%)
Philosopher's Stone (???%)
Purple Rock (???%)
Red Rock (???%)
Steel Ingot (???%)
Sunstone (???%)
Vile Elixir +1 (???%)
White Rock (???%)
Yellow Rock (???%)
Zircon (???%)


  • All use the Tonberry special attacks
  • Cyaneous-toed Yallberry has Mijin Gakure, Sable-tounged Gonberry has Manafont, Vermillion-eared Noberry has Astral Flow, and Virid-faced Shanberry has Perfect Dodge.
  • All are susceptible to Sleep; Lullaby is possible, but difficult.
  • Both Astral Flow and Mijin Gakure can inflict heavy damage on the party. It's possible for weaker mages to run back towards door to get out of range.


This article uses material from the "Jungle_Boogymen" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.