Bind (Status Effect)
Bind is a harmful status effect that roots its victim to the ground until it wears off or is removed.
Afflicted characters are unable to move, but they may still attack and cast spells.
They may also turn around, so long as they are not locked on to a target.
How to remove the effect[edit]
- The White Magic spell Erase will remove this effect.
- The White Magic spell Esuna will remove this effect if the casting White Mage has Afflatus Misery active and is afflicted with Bind.
- The Dancer ability Healing Waltz will remove this effect.
- The Puppetmaster automaton attachment Eraser, will remove this effect.
- Receiving a direct attack of almost any nature may remove this effect. It is much more likely if the attack inflicts damage.
- Note: If a player is bound and attempts to walk/run in a direction and makes their character "blink" via changing visible armor, they will move a short distance. A player may continue "blinking" to continue moving. This technique may be useful when the Bind status cannot be removed directly.
How the effect is inflicted[edit]
Blood Pacts[edit]
Job Abilities[edit]
- Beastmaster - Charm (on anything that can't be charmed)
- Ranger - Shadowbind
- Caduceus (vs. Arcana)
- Kageboshi
- Plantreaper (vs. Plants)
- Scarecrow Scythe (vs. Birds)
Weapon Skills[edit]
Monster Abilities[edit]
- Ahriman - Binding Wave
- Antlions - Sandpit
- Ark Angel GK - Dragonfall
- Bahamut - Trample
- Chariots - Inertia Stream
- Euvhi - Axial Bloom
- Exoplates - Phase Shift
- Fomors - Netherspikes
- Golems - Ice Break
- Goobbues - Beatdown
- Gurfurlur the Menacing - Pleiades Ray
- Manticores - Tail Swing
- Morbols - Bad Breath
- Medusa - Pinning Shot
- Odin - Geirrothr
- Omega/Proto-Omega - Pile Pitch, Hyper Pulse
- Orcs - Slam Dunk
- Orcish Warmachines - Blastbomb
- Peiste - Regurgitation
- Phuabo - Tidal Dive
- Pixies - Lethe Arrows, Zephyr Arrow
- Ramparts - Choke Chain, Roller Chain
- Scorpions - Cold Breath
- Seed Orc - Phantasmal Dance
- Slimes - Epoxy Spread
- Tonberries - Light of Penance
- Treants - Entangle
- Trolls - Drop Hammer
- Tubes - Binding Blast
- Uragnites - Suctorial Tentacle
- Yagudo - Shirahadori
- Yovra - Primal Drill
This article uses material from the "Bind_(Status_Effect)" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.