Magic Shield


Magic Shield is a beneficial status effect that makes the user immune to magical spells. Specifically, this effect provides 100% resistance to all spells, including Dispel and Magic Finale. Both single-target and -ga spells are resisted. All spikes spells are nullified by this effect, although En-spell damage continues to work normally.

It does not protect against magic damage from non-spell sources, such as Blood Pact: Rage or Skillchains, but does nullify Quick Draw damage and effects. Damage Over Time spells that are already on the target before it gains this effect continue to do damage until they wear off normally.

Verification NeededNeeds clarification of difference between usage by players and usage by non-playing characters.

Specifically, the phrase "makes the user immune to magical spells" which can be easily demonstrated as not accurate for playing characters. May need clarification of similarities and differences to the ability Rampart and the spell Magic Barrier.

How to remove the effect[edit]

  • This effect can be removed manually.Verification Needed
  • Only one immunity effect can be active at a time. If the player receives Arrow Shield or Physical Shield, Magic Shield will be canceled.

How the effect is gained[edit]



Monster Abilities[edit]

This article uses material from the "Magic_Shield" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.