Immortal Shield
- Grants a Magic Shield to the user.
- Family: Soulflayer
- Type: Enhancing
- Can be dispelled: No
- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: N/A
- Range: Self
- Notes:
- When used, the Soulflayer gains a visable shield that rotates around its body.
- The Magic Shield is actually a Stoneskin effect, but only for magical damage.
- It cannot be bypassed; however, it can be broken with sufficent magical damage.
- Unlike other Magic Shields, it does not seem to block enfeebling spells or songs.
- When used, the Soulflayer gains a visable shield that rotates around its body.
This article uses material from the "Immortal_Shield" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.