
An apparent member of the Odobenus genus, this marine mammal now extinct in the Middle Lands was surely a frightful sight to adventurers during the Crystal War. Adventurers spotted by a ruszor would immediately be attacked, and if not careful, would face a series of damaging aquatic maneuvers that could result in death.

As was the case with many creatures that provided expensive raw materials for crafters and cooks alike, ruszors were hunted to extinction in the Middle Lands. Their large tusks or fangs, their hides and their meat were all valued by hunters and craftsmen. Some speculate that there might still be some frozen remains in the Northlands, but excavation in that remote part of Vana'diel is usually thwarted by the demons who currently roam those lands.

Family Information
Type: Aquans
Common Behavior: A, L, S
Strong against: Resist Vs. EarthResist Vs. Ice
Healed by: Resist Vs. Water
Common Job(s): Warrior
Charmable: Eks.gif
Pankration: Eks.gif
Aspir: Eks.gif
Drain: Susceptible to Drain

Special Attacks[edit]

Special Abilities Wings of the Goddess Areas
Aqua Blast: - Frontal AoE Water damage and a large Knockback. CheckCheck.gif
Sub-zero Smash: - Single target damage and Paralyze. Most often used when a target grabs the Ruszor's attention from behind. CheckCheck.gif
Severing Fang: - Frontal AoE 2 hit attack and Defense Down. CheckCheck.gif
Frozen Mist: - AoE Ice damage. Additional Effect: Frozen. Envelopes its user in an icy mist which repels all melee attacks, granting them a physical shield effect until the mist dissipates. CheckCheck.gif
Hydro Blast: - Frontal AoE Water damage; envelopes its user in bubbles which repel magic, granting them a magic shield effect until the bubbles dissapate. CheckCheck.gif
Hydro Wave: - AoE Water damage and strips one piece of equipment. User temporarily gains ability to absorb Water elemental damage. CheckCheck.gif
Ice Guillotine: - Frontal AoE Ice damage and Max HP Down. Used exclusively by Scylla. CheckCheck.gif
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may only use certain of the above and/or additional unique special abilities depending on type.

Notorious Monsters in Family[edit]

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Scylla Spawns around (J-7) Unknown Beaucedine Glacier (S) Papilio Kirpan
Sedna Examine the ??? at (K-6) while in possession of Glossy Sea Monk SuckerKey Item and Shimmering Pugil ScaleKey Item Unknown Abyssea - Vunkerl Sekirei
Dornen Schuhs
Sedna's Tusk
Coin of Voyage
Jewel of Voyage

Quest NMs: Sedna

Mission NMs: None

Other NMs:

Monsters in Family[edit]

Name Level Zone
Ruszor 78-81 Beaucedine Glacier (S)
Savage Ruszor 79-82 Xarcabard (S)
Slobbering Ruszor Information Needed Kamihr Drifts

Historical Background[edit]

A Ruszor is an alternate name for the roshwalr. The roshwalr, or horse-whale, was a sea-monster in Norwegian folklore. It was reported to have a smooth body like a whale but with the head of a horse. In 1520, a roshwale head was actually sent to Rome to be examined. While under examination it received the name ruszor and later on it was believed that the roshwalr was nothing more then an exaggerated walrus.

This article uses material from the "Category:Ruszors" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.

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