

Deals water damage that gradually reduces a target's HP. Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather.


Spell cost: 26 MP
Spell element: Water
Magic skill: Elemental Magic


Casting Time: ? seconds
Recast Time: 37 seconds

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: ~535 gil

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Black Magic ( )


Name Location Price
Layton The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8) 6,786

Other Information[edit]

  • Since this spell is Elemental Magic, it's not compatible with Manifestation.
  • This spell does an amount of initial damage, and is repeated on each of its ticks.
  • Unlike most DoT effects, this spells ticks every 9 seconds, with an average duration of 1 minute (duration may vary).
  • Helix spell duration may vary depending on the target's resistance to an element. A helix on a target weak to the element may have the duration increased, especially with Elemental Seal or Klimaform, and may have the duration reduced, such as on a resist.
  • "Damage dealt is greatly affected by the weather" means the spell always gains the damage bonus from matching weather (day too) that is usually randomly applied for other nukes.
  • Helix will NOT break Bind.

v  d  e
Magic of Vana'diel: Elemental Magic

Single Target:
Aero I • II • III • IV • V • VI — Blizzard I • II • III • IV • V • VI — Comet — Fire I • II • III • IV • V • VI — Impact — Stone I • II • III • IV • V • VI — Thunder I • II • III • IV • V • VI — Water I • II • III • IV • V • VI

Ancient Magic:
Burst I • II — Flare I • II — Flood I • II — Freeze I • II — Quake I • II — Tornado I • II

Area of Effect:
Aeroga I • II • III • ra • ra II • ra III • ja —  Blizzaga I • II • III • ra • ra II • ra III • ja — Firaga I • II • III • ra • ra II • ra III • ja — Meteor — Stonega I • II • III • ra • ra II • ra III • ja — Thundaga I • II • III • ra • ra II • ra III • ja — Waterga I • II • III • ra • ra II • ra III • ja

Elemental Debuffs:
Burn — Choke — Drown — Frost — Rasp — Shock

Anemohelix I •  II — Cryohelix I •  II — Geohelix I • II — Hydrohelix I •  II — Ionohelix I •  II — Luminohelix I •  II — Noctohelix I •  II — Pyrohelix I • II

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning

This article uses material from the "Hydrohelix" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.