(Redirected from ENM)
Empty Notorious Monster quests (ENM quests) are events that pit your skills against ferocious opponents in various battlefields. These can only be entered with a key item obtained by completing a quest given by a certain NPC. ENM Battles In General[edit]
Undertaking an ENM Quest[edit]
The NPCs offering the ENM quests for each battlefield are as follows : Battlefields for ENM Quests[edit]High-Tier Mission Battlefields — SKCNM — BCNM — KCNM — ANNM — ENM — ISNM — SCNM — Walk of Echoes |
This article uses material from the "Category:ENM" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.
Pages in category "ENM"
The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.