Yellow Drop
Statistics[edit]Yellow drop |
Other Uses[edit]Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs. |
Synthesis Recipes[edit]None |
Used in Recipes[edit]
Desynthesis Recipe[edit]None |
Obtained From Desynthesis[edit]
How to Obtain[edit]
Cannot be sold on the Auction House or delivered, but can be traded and bazaared. |
Dropped From[edit]
Name Level Zone Aroma Crawler (NM) 40 Maze of Shakhrami Aroma Fly (NM) 40 Gusgen Mines Aroma Leech (NM) 38 Ordelle's Caves
Special Events[edit]
This article uses material from the "Yellow_Drop" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.