On My Way
- This mission requires a certain level of Rank Bar. Every 6 crystals will put your Rank Bar at half full. Trade 12 crystals to a Conquest Overseer which will put you at full Rank Bar. Talk to a Bastok Gate Guard to receive the mission.
- Talk to President Karst in Metalworks.
- Next talk to Hilda (E-6) in the "Steaming Sheep" restaurant in Port Bastok. (Next to Home point #3)
- Go through Palborough Mines and into Waughroon Shrine.
- If you've beaten Beyond Infinity you can talk to Domenic inside Neptune's Spire in Lower Jeuno and have him teleport you to the shrine.
- If you've previously activated the Home Point outside the arena, you can go there directly.
- Click on the Burning Circle to enter the battlefield "On My Way", a 6-person uncapped level BCNM.
- The fight is against:
- Go'Bha Slaughterer (DRK)
- Ku'Jhu Graniteskin (WAR)
- Da'Shu Knightslayer (RDM)
- Sa'Nha Soulsaver (WHM)
- This is a mission BCNM, so no exp is lost from K.O. in this fight.
- Enemies will all use their respective jobs' One Hour Ability. It is recommended that you kill them in the order listed above.
- If you use Sleepga and go for the White Mage first, he can use Benediction or Curaga to wake the others. So you should bring Sa'Nha Soulsaver to the entrance and kill it there.
- Buffs and Trusts wear upon entering, so cast after entering.
- Only Bastokers who are on mission 7-2 or who have finished this mission for Bastok before (regardless of current Allegiance), can enter the BCNM.
- After the fight, you will receive the Letter From Werei. The next two steps can be completed in either order:
- Talk to President Karst in Metalworks, at which point the mission is complete, but the next step is required to be able to receive the next mission.
- Talk to Gumbah (J-7) inside an upper-level house in Bastok Mines.
- Gumbah also starts several quests, so be sure the cutscene relates to Werei's letter.
- Optional: Check Cornelia's room, behind the President's Office, for an additional cutscene concerning the other Cornelia.
- You must have completed Beauty and the Galka, Fallen Comrades, and Rivals to view this cutscene. Otherwise, you will get a brief cutscene showing Cornelia skipping out on her studies.
(see testimonials)
Game Description
- Mission Orders
- A search has begun for information regarding the whereabouts of the missing Galkan elder, Werei. The president will brief you on the details of this mission.
This article uses material from the "On_My_Way" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.