The Final Image

Mission Name The Final Image
Number 7-1
Start NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Level 55+
Reward Rank points
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The Pirate's Cove On My Way
Replay Cutscenes
The Final Image (pt.1) Taulluque Metalworks (I-8)
The Final Image (pt.2) Taulluque Metalworks (I-8)


This mission requires a certain level of rank (Rank Bar) attained by either completing other available missions, or by trading crystals to a Conquest Overseer (6 single crystals should be enough to unlock this mission regardless of current level).

Talk to Cid at (H-8) of the Metalworks (middle floor), and travel to Ro'Maeve and find the ???, which can be found at one of the following locations:

  • (D-10)
  • (E-9)
  • (E-10)
  • (E-11)
  • (G-9)
  • (I-8)/(J-8)
  • (K-10)
  • (K-11)
  • (L-10)
  • (L-7)

Depending on the current job level(s), it may be worth clearing the area around the ??? of other enemies before interacting with it.

When ready, interact with the ??? to spawn two Mokkurkalfi (golems).

  • Similar to the enemies found in many other missions, it is possible to spawn the NMs with the sneak status effect active so that they don't immediately attack, even though golems normally detect by sight. They can then be pulled into battle one by one using a ranged attack.
    • If one of them is allowed to de-spawn before the other has been defeated, it will still count as a victory.

After battle, examine the ??? again to obtain the Key ItemReinforced Cermet.

  • Once the enemies are spawned, the ??? will often move to a different location, although it is possible it will re-appear at the same spot.
  • Leaving the area by exiting it in any way, including logging out or accepting the effect of Tractor, will prevent one from obtaining the key item, and instead, the battle will be triggered once more again.

Return to talk to Cid for a cutscene.

(see testimonials)

Game Description

Mission Orders
You are to investigate the Zilart ruins of Ro'Maeve. Chief Engineer Cid has more details.
This article uses material from the "The_Final_Image" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.