Lamp Egg

Lamp Egg


A lamp egg in a mog house.
Lamp egg RareExclusive
These magnificently decorated eggs
are used during Bastokan festivals.

<Earth STG: 1>

Moghancement: Earth
Aura Strength: 2
Placement: Floor or on top of another furnishing
Dimensions: 1 x 1
Can be held in storage by an Event Item Storer.

Other Uses[edit]

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Synthesis Recipes[edit]


Used in Recipes[edit]

  • None

Desynthesis Recipe[edit]


Obtained From Desynthesis[edit]

  • None

How to Obtain[edit]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, or bazaared, but can be delivered to a character on the same account.

Can be sent to other players via delivery system

Special Events[edit]

See Also[edit]

This article uses material from the "Lamp_Egg" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.