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This is a category at the Auction House that contains all the instruments used by Bards to play Songs and Geomancers to cast Geomancy.

There are 3 kinds of Instruments: Wind Instruments, String Instruments, and Handbells.

Instruments allow Bards to apply two song buffs at the same time, and they allow Geomancers to cast Geocolure spells. Only Bards and Geomancers can use instruments, effectively hindering both jobs as subjobs.

Instruments by Level[edit]

Name Lvl Type Effects Jobs
Flute 1 Wind BRD
Flute +1 1 Wind Requiem +1 BRD
Flute +2 1 Wind HP +5, Requiem +1 BRD
Maple Harp 1 String BRD
Maple Harp +1 1 String Minne +1 BRD
Matre Bell 1 Handbell MP +5 GEO
Cornette 4 Wind Minuet +1 BRD
Cornette +1 4 Wind Minuet +2 BRD
Cornette +2 4 Wind Agility +1, Minuet +2 BRD
Piccolo 9 Wind Threnody +1 BRD
Piccolo +1 9 Wind Threnody +2 BRD
Harp 14 String Minne +1 BRD
Harp +1 14 String Minne +2 BRD
Mary's Horn Rare 14 Wind Lullaby +1 BRD
Gemshorn 19 Wind Mambo +1 BRD
Gemshorn +1 19 Wind Mambo +2 BRD
Royal Spearman's Horn 20 Wind Charisma +3, March +1 BRD
Siren Flute 23 Wind Requiem +2 BRD
Kingdom Horn 25 Wind HP +4, MP +4, Charisma +3, March +1 BRD
San d'Orian Horn 25 Wind HP +3, MP +3, Charisma +3, March +1 BRD
Traversiere 32 Wind Madrigal +1 BRD
Traversiere +1 32 Wind Madrigal +2 BRD
Traversiere +2 32 Wind MP +10, Madrigal +2 BRD
Military Harp 33 String Finale +2 BRD
Faerie Piccolo 36 Wind March +2 BRD
Rose Harp 36 String Etude +1 BRD
Rose Harp +1 36 String Etude +2 BRD
Horn 40 Wind Elegy +1 BRD
Horn +1 40 Wind Elegy +2 BRD
Oliphant Rare 40 Wind Accuracy +3, Attack +3, Outside of Nation Controlled Area: Wind Instrument Skill +3 BRD
Lamia Harp 44 String BRD
Angel's Flute 48 Wind Prelude +1 BRD
Angel Flute +1 48 Wind Prelude +2 BRD
Storm Fife RareExclusive 50 Wind Assault: Ballad +1 BRD
Crumhorn 56 Wind Carol +1 BRD
Crumhorn +1 56 Wind Carol +2 BRD
Crumhorn +2 56 Wind Intelligence +1, Carol +2 BRD
Hamelin Flute Rare 58 Wind Charisma +2, Evasion +3, Requiem +2 BRD
Ebony Harp 60 String Paeon +1 BRD
Ebony Harp +1 60 String Paeon +2 BRD
Ebony Harp +2 60 String Accuracy +1, Paeon +2 BRD
Iron Ram Horn 60 Wind Charisma +4, March +2 BRD
Nursemaid's Harp 60 String Lullaby +2 BRD
Frenzy Fife Rare 66 Wind Strength +2, Intelligence -4, Charisma -4, Latent Effect: Strength +4 BRD
Hellish Bugle 68 Wind Attack +3, Evasion +3, Mambo +1 BRD
Hellish Bugle +1 68 Wind Attack +4, Evasion +4, Mambo +2 BRD
Shofar 68 Wind HP +15, Requiem +2 BRD
Shofar +1 68 Wind HP +20, Requiem +3 BRD
Cradle Horn RareExclusive 70 Wind CHR +1, Lullaby +2 BRD
Harlequin's Horn Rare 70 Wind Mazurka +2 BRD
Mythic Harp 70 String Resist Vs. Dark +15, Etude +1 BRD
Mythic Harp +1 70 String Resist Vs. Dark +20, Etude +2 BRD
Sorrowful Harp 70 String Threnody +3 BRD
Angel Lyre Rare 71 String Hymnus +2, Haste +2% BRD
Requiem Flute 72 Wind Requiem +4 BRD
Cythara Anglica 75 String Charisma +2, Resist Vs. Light +5, Virelai +1 BRD
Cythara Anglica +1 75 String Charisma +3, Resist Vs. Light +6, Virelai +2 BRD
Relic Horn RareExclusive 75 Wind BRD
Pyrrhic Horn RareExclusive 75 Wind Dynamis: CHR +1, Resist Vs. Ice +7 BRD
Dynamis Horn RareExclusive 75 Wind Dynamis: CHR +2, Resist Vs. Ice +9 BRD
Millennium Horn RareExclusive 75 Wind Dynamis: CHR +3, All Songs +2 BRD
Gjallarhorn RareExclusive 75 Wind Charisma +4, All Songs +2, Singing Skill +10, Wind Instrument Skill +10 BRD
Gjallarhorn (80)AugmentedRareExclusive 80 Wind CHR+6 Singing skill +15 Wind instrument skill +15 All songs +2 BRD
Vihuela Rare 81 String Mambo+3 Mazurka+3 BRD
Cantabank's Horn RareExclusive 82 Wind Madrigal +3, Prelude +3 BRD
Ney Rare 82 Wind Resist Vs. Light +5, Finale +2 BRD
Apollo's Flute RareExclusive 83 Wind Minuet +3 BRD
Syrinx Rare 83 Wind Elegy +3, Minne +3 BRD
Crooner's Cithara RareExclusive 85 String Ballad +1 BRD
Daurdabla 85 String Singing skill +5 String instrument skill +5 BRD
Gjallarhorn (85)AugmentedRareExclusive 85 Wind CHR+8 Singing skill +20 Wind instrument skill +20 All songs +2 BRD
Pyf HarpRareExclusive 85 String String instrument skill +1
Augmented:String instrument skill +4
Pan's HornRareExclusive 86 Wind CHR+3 "Finale"+3 "Lullaby"+3 BRD
Daurdabla (90)AugmentedRareExclusive 90 String Singing skill +20 String instrument skill +20
Increases song effect duration. Grants an additional song effect
Gjallarhorn (90)AugmentedRareExclusive 90 Wind CHR+8 Singing skill +20 Wind instrument skill +20 All songs +3 BRD
LangeleikRareExclusive 90 String March +3, "Etude" +3 BRD

This article uses material from the "Category:Instruments" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.