

Gradually restores MP for party members near the caster.


Spell Cost: 63 MP
Spell Element: Light
Magic Skill: Geomancy



Casting Time: 10 seconds
Recast Time: 25 seconds


Macro Syntax[edit]

  • /ma "Indi-Refresh" <me>


Skill Level Range Refresh Effect
0 ~ 179 1 Mp/tick
180 ~ 359 2 Mp/tick
360 ~ 539 3 Mp/tick
540 ~ 719 4 Mp/tick
720 ~ 899 5 Mp/tick


  • By Skill Level it can be the sum of Geomancy Skill and Handbell Skill combined or just Geomancy Skill alone. As long as the total is within the range shown on the table, that's what determines the potency of (Indi,Geo)-Refresh.
    • Examples:
    1. Geo-Skill 373 alone = 3 mp/tick
    2. Both Skills 350 + 265 = 615 = 4 mp/tick
  • The potencies higher then "3 Mp/tick" will need additional help to reach. Handbell use will be needed, and as result, only Geomancer main can obtain it.
  • Because one cannot use handbells and the level is capped at 49, with geomancer as a sub job, the most anyone one can get is 1 Mp/tick, even with full merits on geomancy skill.
  • This also applies to Geo-Refresh.

  • Yes, if you can reach "skill level 900" or higher, one could get 6 Mp/tick. But as it stands, even with full merits on both magic skills and the use of known equipment, the highest anyone can get in total Skill level is 813, making it unable to get.

How to Obtain[edit]

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Geomancy ( )


Price: 21,000
Name Location Type
Ishvad Western Adoulin (I-5) Standard Merchant

v  d  e
Magic of Vana'diel: Geomancy

Indicolure Spells:
Geocolure Spells:

Magic Category Jump: Blue MagicDark MagicDivine MagicElemental MagicEnfeebling MagicEnhancing MagicGeomancyHealing MagicNinjutsuSongsSummoning

This article uses material from the "Indi-Refresh" article on FFXIclopedia and is licensed under the CC-BY-SA License.